
Principal’s Message: Term 1, Week 8, 2021

“If we walk in the light, as he is the light, we have fellowship with one another.” 1 John 1:7

To the family and friends of St Edmund’s College,

Consent Education – Seminar for Parents and Carers
In my letter to parents and carers a few weeks ago about consent education, I stated that we had reviewed our programs around sex education and respectful relationships to see if we were targeting these appropriately and to identify gaps in our programs.  One significant gap we identified was that we were not working enough with our parents in these areas.  Current research and literature strongly indicate that a partnered program between schools and parents is an effective first step in the appropriate coverage of issues to do with respectful relationships and consent, with students being presented with a strong, unified voice.

For the past 22 years Brent Sanders has been presenting gender-specific seminars on violence against women to male and female students in secondary schools and at universities throughout Australia. Following a distinguished career in the Police Force, he started his own business presenting seminars and lectures on workplace harassment, conflict resolution and offender psychology.  Brent speaks frankly and openly to create an atmosphere where students feel comfortable exploring questions on intimate topics such as the range of definitions surrounding sexual assault. Using age-appropriate language, Brent outlines the legal parameters of consensual sex, as well as the consequences of bad choices.

Brent regularly visits St Edmund’s College to present age-specific seminars to students in Year 9 (in conjunction with students from St Clare’s College), Year 11 and Year 12.  We have arranged for Brent to present a seminar to parents and carers.  This will reinforce the partnership between parents and carers and the College in the education and growth of the young men who attend St Edmund’s by allowing all of us to present a strong and confident voice in sensitive and vital issues.

We have arranged for Brent Sanders to present a free seminar to our parents and carers on consent education. This is an important part of our overall program on consent education for our students, and provides an invaluable opportunity for parents and carers to join with the College in becoming powerful partners in this sensitive and important area.  The seminar will be held on Tuesday 4 May.  Please click on this link to register for the free seminar: https://sec.act.edu.au/brent-sanders-seminar-2021

This will be the first in a program of seminars for parents and carers.

Student Spotlight
Jaiden McArthur (Year 10, Treacy) recently participated in the National Mountain Bike Championships in Tasmania.  Jaiden is now the U17 National Pump Track Champion, as well as placing well in his other events. Congratulations to Jaiden from the Eddies community for his great achievement and we look forward to following his progress in BMX and mountain bike competitions.

Information Night for 2022 Enrolments and Open Day
We will be hosting an Information Evening on Tuesday 30 March at 6pm for all 2022 prospective families.  The Information Evening accompanies our Experience Eddies Program and our Open Day by providing important background about the College as well as explaining the structures available to support both parents and students.  The evening will include presentations from myself and Mr. David Kelly (Assistant Principal, Junior School), other members of the College Leadership Team as well as current parents and students. There will also be the opportunity for a question and answer session during the evening.  We expect that all parents and carers who are considering enrolling their son at St Edmund’s will attend the Information Evening on Tuesday 30 March.

If you are aware of families who are thinking of enrolling their son at St Edmund’s next year, please ask them to look at our Facebook page for further details or direct them to this link: https://www.eventbrite.com.au/e/2022-parent-information-evening-tickets-145346979729

Our Open Day will be held on Saturday 1 May from 11.00 – 2.00.  This is a wonderful opportunity for families interested in enrolling their son to see the College first hand – to view the facilities, meet with teachers, engage in subject displays and learn more about our great College.  Again, if you are aware of any families interested in enrolling their son, please let them know about this event.

Cultural Clothes Day / Project Compassion
Wednesday 31 March sees the College community celebrate Cultural Clothes Day, a great opportunity for students to celebrate their national background and culture by wearing clothes on the day that best represents their background.  I’ll be wearing my Italian football supporters’ jacket on that day! The day also recognises our support of Project Compassion and Caritas, and all money raised on the day will be in support of Project Compassion.

There is a great video on our Facebook page highlighting some members of our community sharing their stories of their background.  I would encourage you to watch this if you have not already seen it.  It is a great encapsulation of the exciting diversity we have here at St Edmund’s.

In this Year of St Joseph, I offer you a beautiful prayer courtesy of the Archdiocese of Melbourne.

Heavenly Father,
St Joseph set aside his own plans to embrace your dream for us.
You invited his help in caring for Jesus your Son, our Saviour,
and the Revealer of your wonderful love.
Enable us to live by your loving plan
and to reflect to the world the light of Christ.
St Joseph, man of dreams and trusting steward, pray for us.

Lord Jesus,
You grew in wisdom and maturity
as you lived in the family of Nazareth
in daily communion with St Joseph and Mary your mother.
From St Joseph you learned the dignity of human work.
Give parents the wisdom to support their children
and to guide them in the way and work of your Kingdom.
St Joseph, faithful parent and diligent worker, pray for us.

Creator Spirit,
We see in St Joseph a tenderness and reverence for all your creation.
We learn from him to approach others justly and tenderly,
and to see our world as endowed with the glory of God.
Teach us to love one another
and to be of humble service to all of creation,
empowered by your life within us.
St Joseph, wise protector and humble servant, pray for us.

Blessed Edmund Rice, pray for us
Live Jesus in our hearts, forever

Joe Zavone
Christus Lux Mea