
Principal’s Message: Term 2, Week 3, 2020

To the families and friends of the St Edmund’s community,

This week see the first step in our transition back to face to face teaching.  Looking back at the last few weeks has been an interesting experience and has provided interesting insights.  We have gone from being unsure and confused about the educational environment that COVID19 was presenting to us, to being very confident and proud of our well-structured and successful online teaching and learning program – a program that allowed us to continue to a deliver high quality education and a program which allowed our students to continue with their learning progress.

I would like once again to thank our teachers for their tireless efforts in their lesson preparation and in ensuring that our boys had the best online learning experience that we could offer.  I would also thank again our parents for your great support of what we have done over the past few weeks and of course our students for their engagement in the program and the support they have given their teachers.

I am aware that an online teaching and learning program does not suit all students, and that it also limits the relational dimension that teachers develop with their students, a relational dimension which we foster here at St Edmund’s and of which we are very proud. This is why we are all very excited to have our students back with us over the coming weeks – so we can continue to foster the good relationships we have developed and we can continue to serve the individual needs of our students.  We look forward to welcoming back Years 11 and 12 this coming Thursday (14 May), followed by Years 4, 5 & 6 on Monday 18 May, then followed by Years 7, 8, 9 & 10 on Monday 25 May, when we will have the whole College back on site.

Our co-curricular program will still be on hold for a while as we are being led in that area by the advice of the sporting governing bodies and the ACT Government in looking at the commencement of training and the commencement of various competitions and what they might look like given that some restrictions will still be in place.

At the beginning of the year we introduced our annual theme taken from St Paul’s Letter to the Philippians, “Whatever you have learned, received or heard from Christ, put it into practice” (Philippians 4:9).  Little we did know then how relevant and significant this theme and these words would be, and how we would all need to enact and animate the qualities of Christ at this time – qualities such as patience, inclusion, looking after our neighbours and caring for others, and of course the strong quality of hope.  Added to these qualities are the phrases that emerge from our Vision Statement – even in a COVID 19 environment we remained a school that was vibrant in spirit, strong in character and delivered tailored learning.  My great hope is that when we come back together, we come back with an even more vibrant spirit and an even stronger character given the circumstances to which we were forced to adapt.  Hopefully these circumstances have made us more resilient and better focused.

Unfortunately given the current environment we had to cancel our Open Day and suspend our group tours of the school for prospective enrolments.  Instead of Open Day we have created a wonderfully dynamic Virtual Tour of the College available on our website.  I encourage you to have a look at this virtual presentation of the College as it really captures the essence of who we are and what we do.  If you are aware of any families thinking of sending their sons to St Edmund’s next year, please let them know about the Virtual Tour.  We are also conducting personal tours of the College for individual families (rather than large groups).  Again, prospective families are able to contact the Enrolment Officer and organize a personal tour of the College.  My great thanks to James Olney (Year 12 2019), Sam Sergi (Year 12 2019 and our Digital Marketing Officer), Jacob Knowles (Assistant Principal College Operations) and our Heads of Faculty for their contributions to the great Virtual Tour.

I also extend my thanks to Bridget Cusack (Religious Education Co-ordinator, Junior School) and Carmela Wilson (Head of Religious Education, Years 7 – 12) for their work in putting together a beautiful presentation for Mother’s Day.  This was posted on our Facebook page early on Mother’s Day morning. A feature of this presentation is a touching performance from Sonny Lauvao (Year 6) and his mother Charlotte.  Their performance sent a meaningful message to all of our mothers, grandmothers and special women in our lives, and I thank Sonny and Charlotte for their creativity here.  I was lucky enough to travel to Sydney after 8 weeks and see my 89 year old mother for Mother’s Day.  I hope that my special family weekend was reflected in the families of the Eddies community on Mother’s Day.

As out students gradually return to school, I offer this following blessing about the importance of place and presence.

God’s blessing be on you as you enter this place.
In the stillness and the beauty,
In the solid, simple welcome of stones,
Built on faith and vision,
Hallowed by prayers and holy lives.

Christ’s blessing be among you as you stay in this place.
In shared laughter and common tasks,
In the meeting of minds and hearts,
In the healing touch of community.

The Spirit’s blessing be with you as you go from this place
In energy restored and vision focused,
In the stirring of your heart, tumbling into prayer and action,
In the knowledge that you are not alone.

May the blessing of God’s presence be with you and go with you,
This day and every day.

Blessed Edmund Rice, pray for us.
Live Jesus in our hearts, forever.

Joe Zavone
College Principal
Christus Lux Mea