
Principal’s Message: Term 3, Week 1, 2020

To the families and friends of the St Edmund’s community,

Term 3 has started well for our boys.  I trust that everyone had a relaxing break and that the boys commence the term with refreshed vigour and motivation.  I complimented the boys on their appearance on Monday – nearly all of them were in the correct uniform and the high school students were wearing their blazers with pride.


We commenced the term with two smaller school assemblies due to the COVID environment (Years 4 – 8 and Years 9 – 12).  It is extremely important to commence the term with a tangible sense of community, with all students having a sense of belonging and brotherhood.  At these assemblies we launched our new Statement of Eddies Pride, a series of aspirational statements clearly indicating what it means to be a member of our community.  This replaces our previous Non-Negotiable Statements, giving our students something to strive for and something that adds to their character rather than just being told what not to do.  The Statement was developed with input from students, staff, the Student Leadership Team and the College Leadership Team and was also developed in the context of the positive psychology framework known as PERMA.  The Statement clearly articulates individual and group expectations of our students.  The Statement of Eddies Pride reads as follows:


We are young men of vibrant spirit and strong character.

Eddies pride is …

  • Striving to achieve my personal best, showing resilience and engagement
  • Investing in respectful, positive relationships with everyone in my College and wider community
  • Contributing to a constructive learning environment and meeting College expectations
  • Honouring our College name, reputation and facilities
  • Reflecting the College motto, Christus Lux Me, in all that I do and say.

Edmund’s to the fore.


The Heritage Game against Marist College each year is an event we all look forward to with great anticipation.  In the last few years it has also become an important reunion day for our old boys, with an Old Boys Mass and morning tea, tours of the College and reunions of various year groups.  Unfortunately we are not able to follow this wonderful tradition this year due to the COVID 19 environment, but we will ensure that the Heritage Game old boys events will be bigger and better than ever next year.


Towards the end of last term we launched the new version of The Pelican, the publication aimed at alumni.   We received a great deal of very positive feedback regarding the new format of The Pelican.  In amongst some brief accounts of significant school events, we had a series of profiles of a number of ex-students and members of our community.  If you did not receive a digital copy of The Pelican, please find it at the following link. I am very proud of this new format and I am sure you will enjoy reading the profiles. https://sec.act.edu.au/pelican/semester-1-2020/


Lord, as we prepare for the coming of a new term,
make us ready, attentive and available to hear you.

Thank You for the gift of being able to rise each day
with the assurance that You walk through it with us.

Thank You for the gifts of creativity and uniqueness,
and the energy to put them to good use.

May all that we are today, all that we try to do today,
may all our encounters, reflections, even the frustrations and failings all be placed in your hands.

May the work we do and the way we do it, bring new hope, new life,
and courage to all we come in contact with this term.

We thank you, Lord.

Blessed Edmund Rice, pray for us.
Live Jesus in our hearts, forever.

Joe Zavone
Christus Lux Mea