
Principal’s Message: Term 3, Week 5, 2020

To the families and friends of the St Edmund’s community,

Even though last Saturday was very grey and wet, and despite the COVID-19 restrictions on spectators, it was still a positive experience to walk around our grounds and sense that the Eddies community spirit was still alive and strong.  The small crowds cheered on their respective teams and our boys played with great spirit.  I spent time watching the U11 Blue Football team experience their first victory of the season, as well watching some Rugby with the U16 Blue and the Third and Second XV games.  The season might be shorter and the crowds might be smaller, but the effort and the spirit is the same.  I thank all of our boys involved in our co-curricular program for their positive participation.  I also thank our boys rehearsing for our musical, “Beauty and the Beast”.  These boys are rehearsing despite not knowing when they will be performing.  I thank them for their dedication, commitment and persistence and sincerely hope they have the chance to perform for their usual ecstatic audiences in the near future.

Student Spotlight

We continue our Student Spotlight this week with some very positive news from the Junior School.  Mr David Kelly, our Assistant Principal – Junior School has reported to me that over the last two weekends he has received messages from members of the public about the positive sportsmanship of players in the U10 White Rugby team. Mr Kelly stated how proud he was of the College on receiving these messages. For someone to take the time on their busy weekend to let him know must have meant that the actions of the boys were truly noteworthy. Firstly, on Saturday 8 August, Patrick Martin (4 Blue, Mulrooney) offered assistance to an injured player on the other team. The referee was so impressed with the level of care and concern that he thought he had to let Mr Kelly know straight away. Then on Saturday 15 August, Charlie Litchfield (4 White, Haydon) assisted an opponent who had accidentally been kicked in the face. Again, his genuine concern and care for the injured player was noted by a parent from the Easts Rugby Club, who then informed Mr Kelly about how impressed she was with the level of sportsmanship. A huge congratulations to Patrick Martin and Charlie Litchfield for showing Eddies Pride in our community and for their very clear demonstration of the Touchstones of inclusive community.

Charlie Litchfield

  • Favourite thing about coming to St Edmund’s? The teachers are amazing.
  • What has helped you become involved in the school? Playing cricket last year when I was in Year 3.
  • Favourite thing that gets packed in your lunchbox? My Mum’s homemade caramel slice.
  • Favourite subject at St Edmund’s? PE

Patrick Martin

  • Favourite thing about coming to St Edmund’s? I get to be with other boys who make good choices.
  • What has helped you become involved in the school? I’ve enjoyed the learning environment and co-curricular activities.
  • Favourite thing that gets packed in your lunchbox? Oatmeal bar that tastes like a chocolate brownie.
  • Favourite subject at St Edmund’s? PE


We are in the middle of Term 3 with the last week or so being quite cold and wet. This is a time when our boys can become a little complacent with their uniform, especially in wearing jumpers other than school jumpers. I would ask that parents continue to support us in our endeavours with the boys to have them wear their uniform with pride.  The College jumper and blazer (or jacket for Years 4 – 6) are the only items of warmth the boys are to be wearing at school and to and from school.  Other jumpers, hoodies, etc. (even those that may have an association with the College such as a co-curricular hoodie) are not permitted.  The Statement of Eddies Pride talks clearly about “Honouring the College name”, and wearing the uniform correctly is a very important part of this.  I thank most of our boys for wearing the uniform in the correct manner and for proudly demonstrating how they honour the College name.

Principal’s Reading Challenge

A reminder that we have launched the Principal’s Reading Challenge. In an effort to increase literacy and an interest in literature at the College, students from Year 4 to Year 12 are being challenged to read and review books that are new to them, for which they will be awarded House Points, go in the running for prizes, and be recognised at an College Assembly at the end of Semester 2. There is also scope for their reviews to be published in the Library catalogue, on the shelves (think ‘Staff Reviews’ at book shops), and in Vortex. I would ask our parents to watch the launch video, put together by Mr Oliver Burke from our Library and English staff, and encourage your sons to participate in the Reading Challenge. The video can be found here: https://www.facebook.com/seccanberra/videos/1339923869731654

Reading Logs for the Challenge are available at the Library and on the Library Canvas page.


Saturday 15 August saw the Catholic Church celebrate the Assumption of Mary, the taking up of the body of Virgin Mary to heaven. It signifies the end of her human life on earth. This event is one of the most important events in Christian community. The Assumption of Mary is one of the most relevant among all Marian Feasts. This day is considered as the heavenly birthday of the Virgin Mary.

Father in Heaven,

All creation rightly gives you praise,
for all life and all holiness come from you.

In the plan of your wisdom
she who bore the Christ in her womb
was raised body and soul in glory to be with him in Heaven.

May we follow her example in reflecting your holiness
and join in her hymn of endless love and praise.

We ask this through Christ our Lord.


Blessed Edmund Rice, pray for us
Live Jesus in Our Hearts, forever

Mr Joe Zavone
Christus Lux Mea