
Principal’s Message: Term 4, Week 9, 2022

“Let us consider how to stir one another to love and good works.” Hebrews 10:24-25

Dear families and friends of St Edmund’s College,

As I was walking through the quad on Monday afternoon, the beautiful fragrance of jasmine came over me.  We have a great deal of jasmine growing in our garden boxes in the quad. To me jasmine is the smell of summer and in a school setting, the fragrance of jasmine often indicates the end of the school year.

It seems a lifetime ago that we were in covid restrictions during Term 1, being at school in masks and adhering to social distancing requirements for parents and visitors.  It is so nice to finish the school year in a very different environment. I would like to thank our students for another great year here at St Edmund’s.  Their energy, efforts and achievements have defined the year and continue to give us all hope and motivation for another great year.

Of course the end of school occurs during the season of Advent. Beginning the Church’s liturgical year, Advent is the season encompassing the four weeks leading up to the celebration of Christmas. The word Advent originates from a Latin word “Adventus” which means “coming” or “arrival.” In Advent, we focus on preparing for the coming of Jesus Christ in all ways, from His birth in the past to His Second Coming in the future as the Messiah. For Catholics, Advent is a meaningful season that reminds us of the reality of Jesus Christ and that He has come and He is present in our world and lives. The birth of Jesus is worth celebrating because it reveals His human side and is therefore an example of how we should live our own lives as his followers here on earth.

I would like to thank our teachers and support staff for their hard work, efforts and contributions throughout the year, and I also thank our College Leadership Team and College Advisory Council for their invaluable guidance and leadership.  Many thanks to our parent body, who continue to support the College by entrusting their sons to us and continue to partner with us in developing young men of vibrant spirit and strong character.

I wish all of our students and their families the very best for the Christmas season, and hope that all of our boys have a relaxing break, ready to another wonderful year in 2023. I very much look forward to my sixth year at St Edmund’s College.

Major Awards Years 4 – 11

Congratulations to all the award winners from Year 4 right through to Year 11 who were presented with an academic award at the Award Presentations on Tuesday.  Our teaching and learning program is at the core of what we do here at the College, and many of our students were acknowledged for their wonderful achievements in this program.

Congratulations also to the following students who were recipients of significant awards at the Awards Presentation.

Spirit of Edmund Rice, Year 4                       Oliver Winn

Spirit of Edmund Rice, Year 5                       Tyrone Lauvao

Spirit of Edmund Rice, Year 6                       Lokomalani Faupula

Italian Language Award                                 Raaghav Kaushik, Year 4

Japanese Language Award                           Matthew Bolton, Year 5

Dr Paul Kildea Music Award                         Dale Fisher, Year 6

Sportsman of the Year Award                     Brayden Kent, Year 6

Patricia Doyle Leadership Award               Max Riva, Year 6

Australian Defence Force Long Tan Leadership and Teamwork Award: Ben Martens, Year 10

recognises a student with strong attributes in leadership, teamwork, cooperation and values consistent with our ethos.

Australian Defence Force Future Innovators Award: Liam Burke, Year 10

recognises a student who demonstrates innovation and a high level of motivation in the learning area of STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Maths).

Australian Catholic University Award: Rory Forbes, Year 10

recognises a Year 10 student who demonstrates strong character and a sense of justice

Father Joe Grealy Award: Harrison Bond, Year 8

recognises community service and acknowledges the significant contribution to others in a selfless and substantial manner.

AMPOL Best All-Arounder Award: Deveraux Tapelu, Year 11

recognises a senior student who has made an exemplary contribution to the College and wider community.

University of Canberra Diligence Award: Roy Kuchel, Year 11

recognises a Year 11 student with outstanding application to their studies and to their sporting endeavours.

Year 7 Dux: Seth Marsden

Year 8 Dux: Brayden Fowler

Year 9 Dux (tie): Reuben McBride and Patrick Barnes

Year 10 Dux : Rory Forbes

Year 11 Dux: Toby Francis

Staff Farewells

At this time of the year we have a number of staff members who leave us for a variety of reasons.

Mrs Margaret Thomas and Mr Alex Hausen will be on long service leave for Semester 1.  Ms Ashleigh Kerin and Ms Kristyl de Leon will be on maternity leave for all of 2023.  We wish Ashleigh and Kristyl the very best for the exciting addition to their families, and we wish Alex and Margaret a restful and reinvigorating extended break. Ms Leanne Gair will also be on an extended period of long service leave over the next 18 months.  We wish Leanne well as she spends time with her family in Traralgon, Victoria.

We also farewell Mr Jack Chalker-Harris, Ms Claire Devlin, Mr Nigel Palfreman, and Ms Christina Wilson who will be leaving the College. We thank these members of staff for their service to the St Edmund’s community and wish them well for their future endeavours. Whilst Mr Justin Giteau left us at the beginning of this term to take up a full-time role with the Canberra Raiders, he will be farewelled by staff later this week.  We thank Justin for his contributions to St Edmund’s and we are sure he will be a successful addition to the Raiders coaching team.

Prayer for the Second Sunday of Advent

God of timeless grace,

you fill us with joyful expectation.

Make us ready for the message that prepares the way,

that with uprightness of heart and holy joy

we may eagerly await the kingdom of your Son, Jesus Christ,

who reigns with you and the Holy Spirit, now and for ever.


Blessed Edmund Rice, pray for us.
Live Jesus in our hearts, forever.

Joe Zavone
Christus Lux Mea