
School Attendance and Absences

It is a legal requirement that parents and carers ensure the students for which they are responsible, attend school.

Parents and carers must ensure their children attend school every day and provide an explanation for every absence, including late attendance.

Acceptable reasons for student absences may include:

  • being sick
  • having an unavoidable medical appointment; or
  • exceptional or urgent family circumstances e.g. attending a funeral.

The College also is legally required to report to the appropriate government agencies data on student attendance and non-attendance, including specific information regarding those students that have an unsatisfactory attendance record.

In order for any student to make a meaningful contribution to College life and to thrive in his academic studies, he must consistently attend School and maintain an accurate attendance record.

To notify the College of a student’s non-attendance, late attendance or a request for student day leave, please phone the Student Services Office on 6239 0694 or email studentservices@stedmunds.act.edu.au. This number is staffed from 8.30am to 3.30pm each week day.

For planned leave during term time, an application must be made to the Principal, in writing, two weeks minimum before the leave is to commence.

Students not present at Tutor Group without a reported absence will have an SMS message sent to the nominated parent/guardian. On the student’s return to school, a written note is required to explain the absence for the College records.

Students who arrive late are required to sign in at Student Services. Failure to do so will be noted as an unexplained absence.

Pat Langtry (Director of Pastoral Care)