
Set yourself up for success in Science

This semester has passed swiftly, and within the Science faculty, we’ve witnessed several noteworthy moments. Most recently, Year 7 have delved into the wonders of space and stars, while Year 8 explored the hands-on aspect of biology through various dissections. Year 9 embarked on a journey through the realms of chemistry and radiation, and Year 10 delved deep into the study of genetics and evolution.

Understanding these scientific concepts is crucial as it helps students develop critical thinking skills and fosters curiosity. While not all students may become scientists, the study of science remains crucial for developing critical thinking, understanding the world, and fostering a mindset of curiosity. Science equips them with the knowledge needed to make informed decisions and contributions to society.

Coming up next term, we have the opportunity for Year 8 to complete some hands-on forensic skills with the Education Interactive Incursion, and National Science Week will be in August.

At the end of each semester, the Science faculty conducts exams. These assessments serve as a valuable tool for evaluating students’ understanding and retention of key concepts. They provide insights into areas of strength and areas needing improvement, guiding our teaching practices and helping students track their progress effectively. Additionally, these exams prepare students for future academic challenges, helping them develop essential study and time management skills.

Speaking of study…..

While some students may have engaged in productive study, others may still be unsure of where to start or how to approach their studies effectively.

In my own experience, and through conversations with many of the students, I’ve observed common challenges when it comes to exam preparation. Uncertainty about where to begin, studying the wrong things, or feeling overwhelmed are common sentiments. It’s crucial to address these challenges by developing study methods that work and maintaining a flexible approach to our study habits.

When it comes to effective study activities, consider engaging in group discussions, working through practice problems, creating flashcards, teaching others, and leveraging online resources. These activities facilitate understanding and retention of the material, providing different perspectives and additional support. There is also always the option of the homework sessions that occur most days in the library after school.

It is also important to note that many students decide to ‘cram’ right before an exam and find themselves disappointed. However, in the journey of academic success, it’s usually the small, consistent efforts that make the biggest difference. For students in years 7 and 8, completing 10 minutes of study, three times a week equates to 8 hours of consistent study over a semester. If you go to 15 minutes, three times a week, this adds up to 12 hours of study over a semester!

Developing a flexible study timetable, engaging in diverse study activities, and seeking help when needed can make a significant difference. Let’s approach the next few weeks with a positive mindset and embrace the challenges. Good luck to everyone on their exams, and remember, steady and consistent effort is the key to success!

Lisa Davis
Head of Science