
Setting SMART Goals

With a new year starting brings a perfect opportunity for your son to set some goals on what he would like to achieve this year.

One of the best ways to do this is by setting SMART goals:

S – Specific: Who, what, where

M – Measurable: How can I monitor it?

A – Achievable: Challenging and realistic?

R – Relevant: How does this tie in what I want?

T – Time Bound: Target, by when?

The best way to start this process for your son is to answer the following questions:

Last year I was really good at?

Last year I needed to develop more in?

Now write down something you want to achieve in your Social or Person life?

Now write down something you want to achieve in your Academic life?

From here your son needs to fill in the following:


Who, what, where


How can I monitor it?


Challenging and realistic


How does it tie to what I want?

Time bound

Target, by when?

Now, take the information you have stated above, and WRITE your Smart goal.

An example: By the end of week 2, I will have introduced myself to at least three other people in my English class.


Who, what, where


How can I monitor it?


Challenging and realistic


How does it tie to what I want?

Time bound

Target, by when?

Now, take the information you have stated above, and WRITE your Smart goal.

An example: By the end of Term 1, I will have read the book we are studying in English by reading two chapters a week and writing down dot point summaries of each chapter.

So this weekend when you see your son be sure to ask them, what they have set for their SMART goals this semester and what are the steps they’re taking to achieve those goals?

SMART goal sheets can be found on canvas, on the House page or a hard copy can be obtained from your son’s tutor or Head of Head.

Psychology professor Dr. Gail Matthews, at the Dominican University in California, did a study that concluded that if you write down your goals you are 42% more likely to achieve them.

 Alex Hausen (Head of Haydon – Acting)