
St Edmund’s College Celebrates National Physical Education Day

On Wednesday, 4th September, St Edmund’s College proudly participated in National Physical Education Day, embracing the opportunity to highlight the importance of Physical Education in schools. This day served as a reminder of how PE contributes to the holistic development of students, promoting physical, mental, and emotional well-being. The celebrations concluded with the annual “Eddies Row Off,” where students from various year levels competed in a 1-minute rowing challenge, pushing themselves and their peers in a display of determination and school spirit.

At St Edmund’s College we believe that the importance of Physical Education is multifaceted

Physical Health and Well-being
Physical education teaches students the value of staying active and developing lifelong habits that promote health and fitness. In an increasingly sedentary world, PE provides a structured environment for students to engage in activities that enhance their physical health, reduce the risk of lifestyle-related diseases, and support overall well-being.

Mental and Emotional Resilience
Engaging in physical activity not only strengthens the body but also promotes mental health. PE gives students an outlet to relieve stress, build emotional resilience, and develop perseverance and self-discipline. Through both team sports and individual challenges, students gain critical coping skills that benefit them far beyond the classroom.

Social Skills and Teamwork
In addition to physical and mental benefits, PE fosters valuable social skills. Whether collaborating in team sports or competing in individual events like the Row Off, students learn the importance of cooperation, communication, and mutual respect. These experiences contribute to creating a positive and inclusive school environment.

Ms. Carla Fahey, the newest member of the PE faculty, expressed her enthusiasm for the event, calling National Physical Education Day the “greatest day in the school calendar.” In a nod to the cult classic Dodgeball, she added with a smile, “It’s like Patches O’Houlihan said—’If you can dodge a wrench, you can dodge a dodgeball!’ Today’s Row Off showed that our students can handle any challenge, physical or mental. I couldn’t be prouder to be part of a day like this.”

At St Edmund’s College, National Physical Education Day is a celebration of more than just Physical Education—it’s about fostering a community of resilient, well-rounded young men.

Joel Richardson-
Head of Health & Physical Education