
St Edmund’s Snow Sports 2018

In 2018 the St Edmund’s Snow Sports group are scheduled to travel to Perisher Ski Resort on a number of Sundays throughout terms 2 and 3. Initially, spots on these Sunday day trips will be open to students registered in the St Edmund’s Snow Sports team. However, if there are any spots available for these Sunday day trips after the initial registration period for Snow Sports students, these spots will be open to any other student in the senior College (7-12) that wishes to travel with the group for a day on the snow. The following are the proposed dates for the St Edmund’s Snow Sports Sunday day trips:

  • 1st July – End of Week 9, Term 2
  • 12th August – End of Week 3, Term 3
  • 26th August – End of Week 5, Term 3
  • 9th September – End of Week 7, Term 3
  • 23rd September – End of Week 9, Term 3

If spots are available for any of these trips an email will come out to the wider school community from the Snow Sports coordinator, Mr Trent Masters, approximately 2 weeks in advance of the proposed date.

If you have any questions regarding the 2018 Snow Sports day trips please contact Mr Masters via email at tmasters@stedmunds.act.edu.au