
Teaching and Learning

The City of Canberra

Year 7 Humanities students are currently studying Geography and more specifically, weather and cities. Now that we can conduct excursions again, the Year 7 students ventured out and around Canberra 2 weeks ago on their first excursion.

The great view at the top of Mt Ainslie demonstrated the clear Parliamentary triangle and the main roads in and out of the city, including the tram. Students were asked to draw the main areas such as the lake and the other main landmarks around the lake. The boys then bused to Regatta Point, learning about Walt Burley Griffin and his vision for Canberra. We are one of the few cities which had a clear plan that was followed through.

What comes first, the chicken or the egg? Or in this instance, roads, parks, lights, and main infrastructure for the new suburb of Whitlam. A bus ride through Whitlam showed students how a suburb should be built and what elements are important to a suburb. What is needed for a new suburb? Walking paths, parks, open spaces, roads, lights, electricity, and the list goes on. The Year 7 student’s next assignment will require the boys to design their city.

Lastly, the boys took a ride out to the Cotter Dam. With PE teacher, Mr Richardson leading the way, some boys took a walk up to the top of the dam wall to see how much water is needed for Canberra. The boys learnt that the old wall is under the water and the difference in the size of our new dam.

Lots of learning was had and it was great to be out and about again on excursions.

Ms Kylie Rose
(SOSE Coordinator)