
The Year 12 AST

The Year 12 AST is fast approaching, time to get prepared.

The current dates for the AST are Tuesday the 31st of August to Wednesday the 1st of September.

Whilst this is a strange time with the onset of a Canberra lockdown and the resuming of online teaching and learning the most up-to-date information we have from the AST Executive Officer is that the AST will be going ahead as planned on the scheduled dates. Discussions of an extended lockdown mean that the test may be pushed back, but at present there are no plans to do this. We will notify students and families as soon as we receive this updated information.

We will also be holding our AST Prep Day on Friday the 27th of August, with the announcement of an extended lockdown we are now considering ways of offering this day via a virtual platform in a meaningful and engaging manner however nothing has been confirmed.

What is the AST?
The AST is an important milestone for our Year 12 students. The ACT Scaling Test (AST) is a test attempted by all ACT Year 12 students wishing to gain an Australian Tertiary Admission Rank (ATAR). The test is designed to measure a range of general skills considered to be relevant to success in a variety of courses and to studies at university. The AST scores of those students who complete a T package provide the basis for scaling course scores awarded to students by the colleges they attend. A student’s scaled course scores are used in the calculation of that student’s ATAR.

What Does the Test Look Like?
The AST is made up of 3 papers – a 120-minute Short Response Test, a 135-minute Multiple Choice test containing 80 questions and a 150-minute Writing Task. You must make a serious attempt at all three papers, or you may not be eligible for an AST score.

How to Prepare
The skills required for success in the AST are believed to develop slowly as a result of a variety of experiences, of which formal schooling is one important element. Your best preparation is to read widely and to think critically.

Important Information

  • Do not sit the test if feeling unwell before the exam – Seek a medical certificate for documentation
  • Communicate to the supervisors if unwell during the exam
  • Tests missed due to serious misadventure (extreme family emergencies, death of a family member) must have official and independent documentation. Missed bus or broken-down car will not be accepted.
  • No candidates will be admitted into a test 30 minutes after it begins, nor can they leave before the completion of the exam. You cannot leave the test at any stage during its sitting other than for the toilet at which you will be accompanied by a supervisor.
  • A candidate will comply with all reasonable requests given by the Supervisor in charge

Equipment –Ensure you have the following

  • Pencils (2B, B or HB), Erasers, Sharpener, Clean ruler, ID Card, pen for writing and Short Response tests
  • Clear, unlabeled water bottle
  • Optional dictionary without thesaurus)

Not permitted– Mobile phone, calculators, electronic devices, smart watch, bags, hats/beanies, food, post-it notes

AST Preparation Day Friday 27th August 2021 Schedule
9.00 until 9.15    Setting the scene – Mr. Tim Bibbens
9.20 until 9.50    Session 1
9.55 until 10.25  Session 2
10.30 until 11.00                Morning tea
11.00 until 11.30 Session 3
11.35 until 12.05 Session 4
12.10 until 12.40 Session 5
12.45 until 1.45 Lunch
1.45 until 2.15 Session 6
2.20 until 2.45 Final session AST admin reminders – Ms. Kerin

Multiple choice quantitative (MC1)          Nathan Metcalfe
Multiple choice verbal (MC2)                    Tim Bibbens and Oliver Burke
Short response verbal (SR1)                       Kylie Rose
Short response quantitative (SR2)            Frances Sargeant
Visual/ Interpretive (VI)                             Caroline Devlin
Written response (WR)                               Carmela Wilson

Schedule for the AST Test

Tuesday 31st August
8.15        Arrive at library and breakfast
8.50        Move to ERC
9.00        Seated and hand over to external supervisors
9.05 Instructions to candidates
9.30 until 11.45 Multiple choice
12.45     Arrive at ERC
1.00        Be seated; hand over to external supervisors
1.10        Instructions to candidates
1.30 until 3.15 Short response task

Wednesday 1st September
8.15        Arrive at Library and breakfast
9.10        Move to ERC
9.15        Enter ERC and hand over to external supervisors
9.30 until 12.00 Writing task

Ashleigh Kerin
Head of English and Languages