
Updating Your Son’s Personal Information

Dear all Parents / Carers,

This is a reminder to ensure that the information we have on file in relation to your son is accurate and current. In particular this includes, but is not limited to:

  • Contact information and emergency contact information;
  • family information and documentation, such as: court orders, safety plans or other documentation; and
  • medical information, such as: medical plans, medication needs and forms.

Over the past few months we’ve had a few instances where staff have become aware that information is incorrect or out of date, which as I am sure you can appreciate can create problems. It is important that we have accurate and current information so we can provide a high level of care for your son.

If you have any questions regarding this or would like to update your information, please contact our Enrolment’s Officer at enrolments@stedmunds.act.edu.au or on (02) 6239 0660. Alternatively you can view and update your personal  information yourself, via the Parent Portal at https://parent.stedmunds.act.edu.au/.

Thank you in advance.