
Vale Mrs Michelle da Roza (1963-2018)

Dear parents, students, past students and friends,

It is with great sadness that we write to advise you that Mrs Michelle da Roza entered into eternal life last night after a long illness.

Michelle da Roza (left) and the Undercurrent Literacy Group, 2008 (right)

Michelle was a member of the teaching staff at St Edmund’s College from 2008 to 2011. She held roles as Literacy Coordinator and Head of English during that time. She was also the creator and editor of the school’s literary magazine, Undercurrent, chair of the staff Women’s Forum and a tutor for Treacy House.

Michelle was a kind and open-hearted person and this extended through her personal as well as professional life. She was a dedicated, deeply knowledgeable and gifted teacher who always made time for her colleagues as well as her students.  She had a unique ability to identify what brings people together and promote an inclusive and supportive community.

As a teacher, Michelle was not only an expert classroom practitioner, but she further strove to give voice to and celebrate her students, especially those who might not otherwise have had that opportunity and recognition. She had a passion for her students and her subject. This she shared with her staff, whom she treated with unfailing respect and warmth.

Details regarding Michelle’s service will be added when they become available. She will be mourned in this community as well as many others. Our thoughts and prayers are with her husband, Michael. May perpetual light shine upon her.

Update: A Requiem Mass will be held for Michelle on Wednesday 30 May, 10am at Holy Family Church, Gowrie.

Eternal rest grant unto her, O Lord,
and let perpetual light shine upon her.
May she rest in peace.