
Vinnies Service Day 2018

Were we to know the merit and value of only going from one street to another to serve a neighbour for the love of God, we shall prize it more than silver or gold
-Blessed Edmund Rice

This term our charity focus is St Vincent de Paul where we have sought to raise money and hamper donations for individuals and families who are experiencing homelessness in Canberra.

On Wednesday 31 October, each student was invited to wear mufti for a gold coin donation. In addition to this, we had Therese and Miles from St Vincent De Paul present to the College at assembly about the various places this money goes. We also heard about various volunteer initiatives that Vinnies runs and our Youth Minister Sam Stubbs was able to give testament to the experiences of volunteering for their various youth camps and activities.

The Vinnies food van was brought into the Quad at lunchtime for boys to see how this service operates. There was also an opportunity for boys to contribute personally by putting together toiletry packs. There were many who took up this opportunity which was wonderful to see.

The boys packed three tubs full of toiletry packs which were said to have supplied Vinnies food van for three months- so that is over the Christmas period!

Thank you to Therese, Miles and Sam for showcasing the incredible work of St Vincent De Paul. We are looking forward to many more opportunities for our boys to get involved in the community in future.

Carmela Wilson (Head of Religious Education)