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Defence Support Program

Defence families are a very important and dynamic part of St Edmunds College, and we warmly welcome Defence students and their families to our community. Our College has a long and proud affiliation with the Australian Defence Force, being established in 1954 as the War Memorial school for all Edmund Rice schools across Australia, to honour staff and students who have served our nation.

Defence School Mentor

St Edmund’s College is fortunate to be part of the Defence School Mentor Program which is an initiative of the Defence Community Organisation (DCO). The Defence School Mentor (DSM) role supports Defence students from Years 4 to 12 during their transition in and out of the College and throughout the duration of their time here. Our DSM engages with and provides support to our Defence students and their families at times when a parent is absent from home due to deployment, training exercise, courses or postings including families who are unaccompanied (MWD(U)). Working closely with our Pastoral Care and Wellbeing team, Junior School and High School teachers, our DSM monitors the social, emotional and academic wellbeing of our Defence students.

At St Edmund’s we develop individual strategies for Defence students to help them adapt to the unique nature of family life in the Australian Defence Force. There are also a number of programs, excursions and services offered in partnership with DCO across the College designed to assist Defence students to build self-confidence, self-reliance, resilience and leadership skills. We regularly hold lunchtime activities, barbecues and morning teas here at the College for our Defence students, which encourages interaction and friendships with others in the Defence school community.

As a College community, we actively engage with our Defence students and their families in commemorative ceremonies such as Anzac Day and Remembrance Day. These ceremonies provide a wonderful and meaningful opportunity for our Defence students and their families to be remembered and recognised as important members of our community.

Our College understands the opportunities, benefits and challenges that exist for Defence students and their families. We pride ourselves on our streamlined processes that create a smooth transition into a new school with ongoing care and support.

For further enquires, please contact our Defence Mentor, Sam Marris at smarris@sec.act.edu.au or 02 6239 0604.