
Will Grame representing JDRF at Parliament House

On Tuesday 23 August, Will Grame was invited to be an advocate at Parliament House on behalf of JDRF (Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation) for the Kids In The House major event. Kids In The House is the culmination of months of meetings with the JDRF representatives talking to their Federal MPs and Senators about the impact and significance of funding for Type 1 Diabetes research.

Will Grame has Type 1 diabetes and continuously works hard towards raising awareness, especially through his own personal design and invention of the 3D – printed diabetes test strip removal device. Will took out the title at Origin’s littleBIGidea contest in 2015 and won himself a visit to NASA in the US.

St Edmund’s College and especially, Haydon House, are extremly proud of Will’s ongoing efforts in supporting and rasing awareness for such a good cause.

Alana Beard (Head of Haydon House)