
Year 11, 2019 Senior College Expo

We warmly invite you to attend the Year 11, 2019 Senior College Expo at 6pm on Wednesday 30 May 2018 in the Brother RJ Wallace Hall. This significant event outlines the flexible learning options we can offer your son as he embarks on his senior years at the College. The evening focuses on how the College develops the whole student across their educational journey.

We will provide a snapshot of what is offered in Years 11 and 12 at an Academic, Pastoral, Faith and Mission and Co-curricular level.  The night will also provide students and parents an opportunity to speak to Heads of Faculty, Heads of House, the Co-curricular co-ordinator, current senior students and members of the College Leadership Team.

The focus of the evening is threefold. Firstly, we will map out how the senior enrolment process will occur and provide you with a range of materials as part of the enrolment pack. Secondly, we will introduce you to the support structures, which underpin education in the senior years at St Edmund’s. Finally, we will outline the merits of the ‘Eddies’ approach to senior schooling highlighting the unique opportunities available to all students.

Following the Expo, we have a number of key events to provide you with more information to make an informed decision:

  • Applications open: 1 June 2018
  • Subject selection Year assembly: 27 June
  • Information evening (VET, Careers, Tertiary, Accredited, and Modified): 26 July
  • Careers information evening: 30 July
  • Applications due: 31 July
  • Interviews: 7-8 August

You would notice that the night was originally intended to occur on Thursday 26 July. In order to give students more time and information to make an informed decision, we have decided to bring this event forward to Wednesday 30 May.

In order to assist us with catering, please RSVP your attendance by emailing your son’s name and the number of guests that will be attending to afrench@stedmunds.act.edu.au.

If you have any further enquiries regarding our Senior College Expo, please phone 02 6239 0622

Marianne Geoghegan (Director of Teaching and Learning)