
Year 9 Personal Formation – Mental Health Fitness

Every Friday, students in year 4 to 12 participate in the Formation Programs. This program combines pastoral and wellbeing themes with spirituality.

Last Friday, Year 9 were presented with a challenge. That challenge was to work on their mental health fitness. This challenge was presented by Paralympian Nikki Ayers as part of an initiative and program run by AIS and the Black Dog Institute.

Physical health and fitness are really important, but the way we think and perceive the world and ourselves can have a significant impact on how we find and interpret meaning and purpose in our lives. This is where mental health fitness comes into play. Specific skills such mindfulness, empathy, resilience, endurance, flexibility and gratitude are crucial to our mental well-being.

Practicing mindfulness was something that Nikki spoke about as being an important foundation for mental health fitness. This is something that we rarely do in our daily lives. Often, we are busy, in a rush or distracted. Nikki challenged the boys to take moments to pause- it need not be a full hour of meditation but having mindful moments, a memory, a thought, a second where you are aware of your surroundings. The boys did a practice exercise and found to be at ease as the presentation continued.

Gratitude comes into mindfulness. Nikki spoke about her challenges in her physical journey and what led her to join the Australian Paralympic rowing team. Despite the challenges, she spoke about how she was grateful for what life has thrown at her, as it has all lead her to where she is today. In her humble approach in her presentation, she spoke about how things can still be challenging, but flexibility and mental endurance have been what has taken her through.

Nikki shared her mantra with the boys, “Focus on what you can change” and spoke about changing attitude when circumstances seem to be too much. This is where mental endurance and resilience come into play. Like with any skill, practice makes things possible and our skills stronger- this becomes easier if we have a goal that we wish to reach or a vision we see for ourselves.

Over the next 6 weeks, the boys will be presented with key themes and challenged to take on these themes and ideas in their daily lives. For example, they may have a focus on empathy, optimism or gratitude.

After her return from Tokyo, Nikki will come and visit the boys to check in and present a final time. We are so grateful for the opportunity to meet Nikki and hear her incredible story. We will be cheering for her and the incredible Australian athletes competing in the Paralympics!

Carmela Wilson
Head of Religious Education