
Youth Mass 2018

To the church of God in Corinth, to those sanctified in Christ Jesus and called to be saints, together with all those everywhere who call on the name of our Lord Jesus Christ–their Lord and ours”

– 1 Corinthians 1:2

For the first time we hosted a ‘Youth Mass’ on Thursday, 1 November. We had staff and students from St Clare’s attend a Mass that was run by young people for young people. Fr Baiju and Vince Barclay led us in prayer while Marg Thomas and Luke Grzywacz led music.

Our Mass was also for the feast of All Saints day so was a beautiful celebration of the gifts that young people bring to faith and how we are all called to be saints. In the homily, we heard that every day people became saints and we are called to be the same. To share a willingness of not only to love God but an openness to receive God’s love.

This Youth Mass was a wonderful chance for the Eddies Youth Ministry team and the team from St Clare’s to gather and in fellowship and Eucharist. We are looking to co-host a Youth Mass with St Clare’s once a term in future and look forward to inviting young people into the Church for an experience of faith and community.

Carmela Wilson (Head of Religious Education)