
2021 Up and Running

A few reminders to begin the new school year well.

Student drivers and passengers driven in vehicles by students.
Students who drive to school must complete forms provided by their Head of House which cover:

  • car details including registration number
  • passenger details
  • parking arrangements.

Students are not permitted to park motor vehicles on the College grounds or in the pick-up or drop-off zones. Students are requested not to park a motor vehicle during school hours in front of the College or on Canberra Avenue. No responsibility will be taken by the College for damage to student vehicles; including theft from vehicles or parking infringements fines. The Driving Policy for senior students can be accessed at https://sec.act.edu.au/pastoral-care-handbook/

All parents and students are reminded of the College SUMMER uniform requirement for Term 1 of 2021 as well as the hairstyle protocols enforced by the College. These can be accessed at https://sec.act.edu.au/pastoral-care-handbook/ Please note that Junior School are required to wear a College hat for Physical Education classes and play times.

All members of the College community are reminded that CCTV is in operation in many of the College buildings including the outdoor areas.

Parent / Tutor Interviews – Monday 15 February 2021
Parent /Tutor (High School) and Parent/Teacher (Junior School) Interviews will be held in Week 3 on Monday 15 February from 3.30pm-6.30pm. Interviews can be booked via the community portal. These interviews are vital to ensure positive, productive relationships between home and school are established at the beginning of the school year. High School students should attend with their parents and the main focus for the interviews will be the finalising of SMART Goals for Semester One 2021. Junior School students are not required to attend.

Parents will receive a separate email later this week with all details required to login in to the required portal to book an interview time.

The school day timings
Bell times for all students are as follows in 2021 – please note that tutor group is now at 10.40am and all students in Years 7-12 must attend.

2021 Bell Times

Junior SchoolHigh School
8.45amMove to class bell8.45amMove to class bell
8.50am – 9.42amPeriod 1 (52 minutes)8.50am – 9.42amPeriod 1 (52 minutes)
9.45am – 10.37amPeriod 2 (52 minutes)9.45am – 10.37amPeriod 2 (52 minutes)
10.40am – 10.45amTutor Group (5 minutes)10.40am – 10.55amTutor Group (15 minutes)
10.45am – 11.15amRecess10.55am – 11.15amRecess
11.20am – 12.12pmPeriod 3 (52 minutes)11.20am – 12.12pmPeriod 3 (52 minutes)
12.15pm – 12.55pmPeriod 4 (40 minutes)12.15pm – 1.05pmPeriod 4 (50 minutes)
12.55pm – 1.40pmLunch1.05pm – 1.20pmLunch
1.20pm – 1.40pmPlay (Quad/Ovals/Library)
1.45pm – 2.35pmPeriod 5 (50 minutes)1.45pm – 2.35pmPeriod 5 (50 minutes)
2.38pm – 3.25pmPeriod 6 (47 minutes)2.38pm – 3.25pmPeriod 6 (47 minutes)

Letter of information from December 2020
Other pieces of information concerning the beginning of the new school year was sent to all families in December 2020 – a copy of this letter can be accessed by clicking the following link. https://sec.act.edu.au/2021-key-information

Pat Langtry
Assistant Principal – Student Wellbeing