
Basketball still bouncing ahead

Basketball is the only sport at our College that has a year-round competition and as the Winter Season drew to a close with grand finals last weekend, we are already bouncing ahead to the Summer Season which will commence in Term 4.

Three teams made it through to the grand finals, played at Belconnen on Sunday 23 September. Despite some outstanding efforts on the day, our teams took out the runners-up in the U19 Div 2, U19 Div 4 and U14 Div 2. Congratulations to players, coaches and managers for your efforts throughout the season, and thank you to parents for your support.

The presentation night for the Winter Season was a successful fundraiser for the 2019 US tour. Thank you to Gary Bertoldo, Wayne Kaye and David Mead for their help making sure things ran smoothly on the night. Also, a huge thank you to all the ‘Basketball Dads’ who worked in the kitchen and served the meal on the night.

Record nominations for the Summer Season mean we have 14 teams competing from U12 through U19.  As our Basketball program relies on the generous support of volunteers, particularly in the roles of coaches and managers, to operate successfully we are still looking for coaches and managers to fill some vacancies so that the teams can all compete. We are short of coaches for two U12 teams, two U14 teams, and two U19 teams, as well as needing managers for teams. If you are interested in volunteering in either of these roles, please contact Donella Walker (dwalker@stedmunds.act.edu.au)

Teams will be finalised this week and the link to team lists placed on our Facebook page for you to access. If your son still wants to play but has not been included in a team please contact me on the above email. Registration will need to be completed online via the following link: St Edmund’s Player Registration

Donella Walker (Basketball Coordinator)