
Debating success reinforces importance of College Humanities

Senior College students recently participated at the ACT Legislative Assembly in the Inter Schools Parliamentary Debates. Participating students Flyn Briskey, Finn Corley, James Tually, Ross Trimboli, and Giuseppe Trimboli presented two outstanding debates on the topics of artificial intelligence and the need for an Australian Bill of Rights. These students debated these challenging issues with pride, passion and a courage of their conviction and it is not a coincidence that all of these students study Senior Social Science units where they are able to hone many of the oratory, analytical debating skills that were exhibited on the day.

Current MLA and Government Whip Tara Cheyne publicly acknowledged the strength of our College’s debating ability, congratulating them on their preparation and success in their debates. Thank you to Mr Sorrentino (Teacher) and Bertram O’Brien (Class of 2017) both avid debaters, who supported the boys and a very special thank you to College Alumni, Dom and Joe Trimboli who hosted our students for lunch and refreshments at DaRosario in the city. The Trimboli families continued support of our debating fraternity is greatly appreciated by all at St Edmund’s.

Our College continues to mould leaders in our community through its debating program and I encourage all students and parents to consider this rewarding co-curricular in future.

Matt Calder (Acting Head of Humanities & Social Science)