
Dragon Boating – 2019/2020

The 2019/2020 Dragon Boating season has definitely had its fair share of set-backs for the season, with high winds and storms, smoke from bushfires and COVID19 to top it off. On the flip side the Saint’s team showed great determination and skill with the ACT trails, where over half the crew were selected from the Saints team to represent the ACT under 18s 20s boat.

At the end of the season the following awards were acknowledged:

  • Coaches Award, Angus Jones (year 12)
  • Most Consistent, William McGauley (year 12)
  • Most Improved, Beattie Lim (year 8)

As the temperature is heating up as we approach summer, so too has the Dragon Boating recruitment. If your son is keen to try a water sport, learn new skills and work as a team please contact Mr Hausen for a recruitment pack. To see our promotional clip please on the following link:

Mr Hausen
Saint’s Dragon Boating Coach