
Exciting Times!!!

Term 3 brings exciting times for our students – here is a snapshot of some of the things that may be happening for each of our cohorts.

Year 12 are entering their last semester of study before Graduation and preparing for Formal, potentially entering the workforce and pursuing future job prospects and also contemplating their Tertiary study options.

Year 11 are resolving to do their best in their senior studies and perhaps reviewing their subject selections and pathways after a semester of senior study.

Year 10 are about to choose subjects for senior study, contemplate their futures, examine and question what they are good at, what they are interested in and potential options and pathways.

Year 9 are no longer the ‘newbies’ in their Year 9/10 elective classes, they are beginning to contribute and participate and develop essential skills across in their electives and also their core curriculum areas

Year 8 will soon be choosing their study pathways for next year and

Year 7 are beginning to be settled into their routine of study, moving classrooms, navigating their way around the College and getting ready to make their elective choices for next year.

On 29 July we will be holding our Careers Information Night (Covid permitting) where Year 10-12 students and parents are invited and encouraged to attend to speak personally to people involved in different industries.  Some tertiary providers will be in attendance on the evening.  Further details will be shared closer to the date, next week, once we are clear on event restrictions and participant’s availability relating to that.

Now some exciting news to share!!
Some of our Year 12 students will be moving to full-time work and apprenticeships prior to their graduation and we are super proud and excited for these boys.

Lachlan Freeman will commence a full-time Apprenticeship in Electrotechnology, Flynn McFayden will commence a full-time Apprenticeship in Carpentry, Brooklyn Keil will commence a full-time Apprenticeship in Horticulture, James Edwards will commence a Certificate III in Networking, Michael Milosavljevic will commence a Certificate III in Software Engineering and James Ooysterwyk will commence a full-time Apprenticeship in Plumbing.

We wish these young men every success in their future career pathways.

Our next White Card and Asbestos Training will be held at school on 8-9 November.  Students interested in completing these qualifications should register their interest with Mr Hausen and forms will be issued later this term.

Any students interested in an Australian School Based Apprenticeship (ASBA) Mr Hausen will be running some information sessions during lunchtime in week 6 this term.  He will cover all the information that you need regarding an ASBA, which trades are applicable, how to secure your ASBA, what paperwork is required and how to balance school, work and CIT.

We are available for appointments whenever you require.  Please don’t hesitate to contact us.

Thank you, Rebecca Jarman rjarman@stedmunds.act.edu.au and Alex Hausen ahausen@stedmunds.act.edu.au

Rebecca Jarman and Alex Hausen
Careers Advisor and Vet Coordinator