As an Edmund Rice school, we seek to promote an inclusive and dynamic community with a faith tradition that is a paramount foundation of the College. As a Catholic College, Religious Education is uniquely placed to support faith formation, spiritual development and experience as well as deliver an academically rigorous program.
In years 4 to 10 Religious Education and Religious Studies in years 11 and 12, we endeavour to provide opportunities for encounter, innovative learning and experiences that contribute to the holistic development of each student. Through embracing the individual strengths of each student, we create an environment of diversity and importantly cross cultural understanding as each student brings with them their own experiences and world views. At the core of the ministry of Jesus are those who are on the fringes of society, the ‘other’, our neighbours. Our programs and learning experiences echo the Commandment of Love and what faith in action looks like in the local and international context. Developing a sense of who one’s ‘neighbour’ is and how our students can be advocates for others is not only empowering but also encourages altruism, self-reflection, empathy, generosity of spirit and, of course, love. Our units of study seek to foster skills which are applicable to a variety of contexts while examining the Catholic faith tradition, other world religions, events and issues.
We offer opportunities to nurture seeds of faith among our students as well through interactions and collaborations with our broader community such as MGL brothers and the College Chaplain. We also offer Youth Ministry as an elective in year 9 and year 10 which explores leadership in faith and the challenges that young people face. Our Senior Youth Ministry Team engages in a number of activities within and outside of the College community including peer to peer ministry and Mission trips.