
Final second heroics seal the win for staff

It has been a busy Term in the Health and Physical Education department.  With COVID-19 restrictions easing for school based excursions. The senior Physical Education class enjoyed a day out at B-Firm Fitness.  Under the enthusiastic leadership of Ms Manenica and Mr Fox, these boys were put through their paces in a series of obstacles courses aimed at testing not only the student’s physical toughness but more importantly their mental resilience.  Students have been invited to participate in the first school based competition at the beginning of next term.  The boys from St Edmund’s are going in as favourites and rightfully so.

With an increasing demand in our High School elective courses, students in years 9 and 10 have been busy working through their gym programs under the careful eye of Mr Justin Giteau and Ms Alana Beard.  The aim of this unit is to build an understanding of gym programming whilst being exposed to the weights room. Many of the students have highlighted that they would like to build muscle similar to that of Mr Giteau.

Last week, staff and students participated in the annual basketball game for R U OK? Day.  The students were going in confident as always.  They had been training for weeks in the lead up to this game having set plays, defensive strategies and with the refs on their side.  However, as usual the staff remained undefeated in this fixture.  The students struggled with the defensive pressure applied by Mr Angus Balmaks whilst Mr Dale Argal, fresh off knee surgery, dominated the paint inside.  It was the last second heroics of Mr David “Big Shot” Mead that sealed the game for the staff, making a huge 3-pointer on the buzzer.  When asked for a report on the game, School captain Sam Gibson said “the staff are just too good.  We just had nothing.  We listened to all the people telling us we were going to win and just didn’t deliver”.  Well done to all staff and students that supported this day.

Joel Richardson
Head of Health & Physical Education