
Haydon’s Punchin’

It would be an understatement to say Haydon House are lucky to have Thomas McCarthy as part of our family. Thomas joined the St Edmund’s community this year, and is currently in year 10. He is 15 years of age and enjoys OzTag and Cross Country, however it is in the boxing ring that Thomas really thrives.

Thomas was 11 years old when he first put on the gloves, and it would be three years of hard work in and out of the ring before he had his first fight at the age of 14.

Thomas recently fought in the Australian National U19’s Boxing Titles held at Carrara stadium on the Gold Coast – the same venue the Commonwealth Games were held, and in the same ring as some of the best boxers in the world had competed in. With only three rounds per fight in amateur boxing it is very difficult to claw back any head start given to an opponent. Thomas went down in the first and second rounds, however the third round saw Thomas come out and box exceptionally. His combination of skill, hard work, and fitness saw him come out and dominate the third and final round. He took it to his much more experienced Victorian opponent, who has been fighting at a National level for many years and is currently in the Australian Futures squad. With only one year of competitive boxing under his belt, it is extremely impressive that Thomas is fighting at such a high level.

Competing at a National level does not come easy or without sacrifice. Thomas trains up to 5 days a week, and often has a strict and regimented diet. He recently had to lose 3.5kg in one week as part of his preparations for an upcoming bout. In order to do this, his diet comprised of small portions of chicken and fish, eggs, lettuce, cucumber and carrots.

When I asked Thomas why he loves the sport, he responded, “I love boxing because it helps me to stay fit and healthy. Boxing also teaches me discipline.”

With his strong work ethic and drive for success, there is no doubt Thomas will continue to succeed in boxing. We wish him all the best for his upcoming fight on the 30th of November in Goulburn.

I don’t count my sit-ups. I only start counting when it starts hurting. That is when I start counting, because then it really counts. That’s what makes you a champion. – Muhammad Ali

Alana Beard (Head of Haydon House)