
Homestay families needed for visitors from Japan and Germany  

We will be hosting 2 international groups in March next year:

Nanzan College (Nagasaki) visit to St Edmund’s College

March 19 – March 27 (there will be a 2 night break in between when the group goes to the coast)

German School visit to St Edmund’s College and Canberra Girls Grammar

March 25 – March 31

We really appreciate the efforts of homestay families over the years to look after our visitors and share their family lives with them. Without the efforts of the many families who have hosted, we would not be able to provide students from both Eddie’s and Nanzan College with such experiences.

If your family is able to host a student, please register through the following form: https://forms.gle/xmh3AesYuCizqdRr5. Host families should be able to provide guests with 3 meals a day, and there is no language requirement for host families. Families from year 4 – year 12 are invited to host.

If you have any questions please feel free to get in touch:

Andrew Taylor – antaylor@stedmunds.act.edu.au

Yuko Leffers – yleffers@stedmunds.act.edu.au