
Junior School News Term 4 Week 5

Last week we welcomed new students and their families for 2020 with our Junior School 2020 Information Night. It was pleasing to see the newest St Edmund’s students looking eager and there was great excitement in the room.

On the same evening there was an information session for parents/carers for Year 7 2020 run by our Director of Pastoral Care (Acting), Leanne Gair, and the respective Heads of House. An information sheet was given out on the night, explaining the details of the first day back next year. Students whose parents/carers could not be there on the evening have been given a hard copy of the information to bring home.

Uniform – Please note the uniform shop will be closed over the holidays until after Australia Day. Families wanting to purchase uniforms will need to order this term. Items can then be collected the week before school. Please don’t leave ordering until next year. Opening hours are displayed on the school website.

Just a reminder about our School Christmas hamper appeal for St Vincent de Paul and Karinya House. The amount of donations of foodstuffs and personal care items such as body moisturisers or items for babies such as baby toys has been heart-warming. Some Students are also taking part in “Chores for Charity” where they do chores for family/friends and receive a token payment for completing the chore.

The money collected is returned to school and at the completion of the appeal this money is then spent purchasing more items for both our charities. I would like to acknowledge and thank you for your ongoing and very generous support of the appeal. The finish date for the appeal is 6 December. The College touchstones of Inclusive community and Gospel Spirituality are very evident in the Junior School at present. Thank you to Ms Cusack for organising and driving this appeal in the Junior School.

Hats – Just a reminder that all Junior School students need to have a hat for PE classes and also for recess and lunch. As with all clothing, please ensure your son’s hat is clearly marked with his name.

Thursday 14 and Friday 15 November – Year 4 Retreat and Challenge Program

Friday 15 November – Junior School application grades posted on CANVAS

Tuesday 26 November – Start Smart Presentation for whole of Junior School

Thursday 28 November – Piping and Drumming Presentation for whole of Junior School

Thursday 5 December – Christmas Concert in the Hall @ 6pm – BBQ beforehand. Please come and join us for this terrific community event.

Tuesday 10 December – Junior School Presentation Ceremony – @9.15am – 10.30am. On this occasion award recipients (first, second and third) for each class will be recognised, along with other major awards including sportsman of the year, a music award and improvement awards for each class. All Year 6 students will receive a graduation certificate. We have had a few questions about whether family members can take their son’s out for lunch afterwards…this is of course absolutely fine. If your son will be leaving after the ceremony, please email Mrs Gray in advance.

December Holiday Program

In the upcoming holidays, the Junior School will be hosting a Team H.E.A.T holiday program during Week 10 of Term 4.

The activities will be based on a variety of fun themes and will run from Monday December 16th to Friday December 20th.

The program will be led by Mr O’Rourke and Mr Rutter and will run from 9:00am to 3:00pm each day.

For more information please contact via email team_heat@outlook.com

David Kelly (Assistant Principal – Junior School)