
Junior School News: Term 4, Week 6, 2022

We reflected on Remembrance Day with a prayer and service last Friday in the main quadrangle. The students were reverent and respectful of this special time and I would like to thank Henry Page (Year 6) for his part in the service in which he read beautifully. Our thanks to Ms Galvin for organising this event for our students.

Christmas Appeal – Thank you to all the families who have been able to contribute to our Christmas Appeal and well done to boys who have been participating in Chores for Charity. Keep up the good work. This appeal will finish during Week 8.

Year 6 2023 – Parents/carers are reminded our school BYOD program begins in Year 6. Technical specifications are listed on the school website: BYOD Program (sec.act.edu.au)

Junior School Activity Day (Big Splash), Thursday 1 December – please note we have changed the date of our Junior School Activity Day to Thursday 1 December as Big Splash Waterpark had less bookings on this day. Information regarding this opportunity will come home this week and will be available online on the parent portal. This activity day does have a cost and is optional. Supervision here at school will be available for students not attending the excursion.

The Junior School Presentation Ceremony – Tuesday 6 December at 9.15am – 10.30am in the Hall – Parents/carers of award winners will be notified via email next week. All Year 6 students will receive a certificate to acknowledge their completion of Junior School studies. Parents/carers of award winners and Year 6 students are most welcome to attend and see the last formal Junior School gathering for our Year 6 students.

Semester 2 Reporting


Please note final assessments and grading are currently occurring for Semester 2 of the academic year. Reports will be available electronically in Week 9.

Team HEAT Holiday Program

St Edmund’s College Junior School will be hosting a fun and exciting Team H.E.A.T holiday program in the upcoming school holidays. This will take place on Monday December 12 to Friday December 16 (Week 10) and is open to boys and girls. Team H.E.A.T is an external provider.

Numbers are limited.

David Kelly
Assistant Principal – Junior School