
Junior School News: Term 4, Week 6, 2023

We reflected on Remembrance Day with a prayer and service yesterday in the main quadrangle. The students were reverent and respectful of this special time and I would like to thank Thomas Walsh and Evan Barba (Year 6) for their part in the service in which they read beautifully. Our thanks to Ms Galvin for organising this event for our students.

Christmas Appeal – Thank you to all the families who have been able to contribute to our Christmas Appeal. Keep up the good work. This appeal will finish during Week 8.

Year 6 2024 – Parents/carers are reminded our school BYOD program begins in Year 6. Technical specifications are listed on the school website: BYOD Program (sec.act.edu.au)

Junior School Activity Day (Big Splash), Friday 1 December – please note we have changed the date of our Junior School Activity Day to Friday 1 December as Big Splash Waterpark had less bookings on this day. Information regarding this opportunity will come home this week and will be available online on the parent portal. This activity day does have a cost and is optional. Supervision here at school will be available for students not attending the excursion.

The Junior School Presentation Ceremony – Tuesday 5 December at 9.15am – 10.30am in the RJ Wallace Hall – Parents/carers of award winners will be notified via email next week. All Year 6 students will receive a certificate to acknowledge their completion of Junior School studies. Parents/carers of award winners and Year 6 students are most welcome to attend and see the last formal Junior School gathering for our Year 6 students. Parents/carers of Year 6 students and/or students receiving awards may wish to take their son/s after the ceremony. If this is the case, please let your son’s class teacher know.

Semester 2 Reporting

Please note final assessments and grading are currently occurring for Semester 2 of the academic year. Reports will be available electronically in Week 9.

Team HEAT Holiday Program
St Edmund’s College Junior School will be hosting a fun and exciting Team H.E.A.T holiday program in the upcoming school holidays. This will take place on Monday December 11 to Friday December 15.  This will be in Week 10 of the school term.  

 For more information, please contact team_heat@outlook.com
Team H.E.A.T is an external provider.
Numbers are limited.

Staff Carpark (off Canberra Avenue) – Parents/Carers are asked not to use the staff carpark as a drop off or pick up location before or straight after school. This is due to safety considerations for our students. Please use the main semi-circular driveway or other exterior boundary options.

Year 6 Camp 2024: Monday 19 February – Wednesday 21 February (Term 1, Week 4). More information will come out about this camp early next year. Please note the cost of Year 6 camp is approximately $380.

Homework Club – Mrs Ellem will be running homework club from Weeks 2-8 this term on Tuesdays/Wednesdays. Please email hellem@stedmunds.act.edu.au with a day’s notice should you wish to book your son/s in.

Hair Policy – Thank you to all parents/carers for keeping your son/s haircuts in line with the school’s uniform and hair policy. At times barbers may make mistakes. If they are informed of their mistake, many will fix the haircut (in line with our policy) at no extra charge. Could I please ask that all parents/carers familiarise themselves with the hair policy so that students can get about their daily work without teacher’s asking them about their haircuts. Thank you for your assistance with this.

Hair should be kept neat, tidy and clean at all times and not grown or styled into an extreme or exaggerated fashion.
Hair should be above the shoulder in length (above the bottom of the school shirt collar) and no shorter than a number ‘two’.
Students are not allowed to have lines or designs shaved into their hair nor grow long sections of hair that can be fashioned into ‘top buns’, plaits, dreadlocks, braids, ‘rats tails’, ‘mohawks’ or ‘mullets’ etc.
Hair should be evenly graded and/or blended, of natural colour, warn off the face and should not obstruct sight. Hair requiring to be tied back off the face may be necessary but only as a low bun.

David Kelly
Assistant Principal – Junior School