
Junior School News: Week 10, Term 1, 2018

As we near the end of Term 1 we can reflect on all the achievements, events, activities, learning experiences and enjoyment from our first 10 weeks of school for 2018. I must say a huge congratulations to the Junior School students who have made this school such a pleasant place to be. Their endeavour, perseverance, attitude, and manners make coming to work thoroughly enjoyable. As with all learning experiences in life, it is great to receive feedback regularly. Feedback on student progress is particularly important for our students. To this end, St Edmund’s students receive formal feedback on their progress throughout the term (application grade rubrics) and through reports each term. Our Term 1 and 3 reports are progress reports with commendations and recommendations regarding your son’s learning. Our Term 2 and 4 reports detail achievement levels in each subject. Please use these reports to discuss learning goals with your son and to help guide discussions with your son’s teacher at parent/teacher interviews (held at the beginning of each term). If you have trouble accessing your son’s Term 1 report, please refer to the email sent out on Thursday or Friday this week. It will contain login details and provide IT support contacts if required.

Importance of Reading

As we approach the school holidays, our Junior School teachers have asked me to encourage boys to read consistently over the break. Reading aloud to a parent or carer for 10-15 minutes each evening can really boost their fluency and comprehension. It is also good bonding time and gives parents and carers instant feedback. Reading aloud, even for the most fluent of readers, is super beneficial for the academic demands ahead of them in High School. If your son would like to borrow a few books for the break please encourage them to see Mr O’Rourke in the library before the end of the week.

Cross Country Carnival – Thursday 12 April

Our cross country carnival will be held at school on Thursday morning. Approximate timings are listed below:

U10:      9.25am               2000m
U12:      9.40am               3000m
U11:      10.00am             3000m
U9:        10.25am             1500m

We will have a BBQ afterwards provided by Cian Jones from 6 White. A huge thank you to Cian’s parents, Louise and Sean, for donating the food and drink for this wonderful initiative. A sausage and drink will cost $4 and a sausage will be a gold coin donation. Students have been asked to let us know if they have specific dietary requirements. Parents/carers can email bcusack@stedmunds.act.edu.au if they would like to alert us to specific requirements. Please note that all sausages are gluten-free. All money raised will go to our school-wide charity for Term 1 – Caritas.

South Weston Swimming Carnival

Well done to all the boys who participated in the South Weston Swimming Carnival last Thursday. Some excellent swims were witnessed and many personal bests were achieved. Congratulations to Blake Biddell (11 years), Ethan Guthrie (11 years), Bailey Sullivan (10 years) and Jesse Borghouts (10 years) on being selected for the South Weston Swimming Team. These boys will now compete at the ACT Schools Championships next term.

Athletics Age Champions

Congratulations to the following boys on accumulating enough points to secure age champion status for their age group:

U9 – Niko Matthee
U10 – Jesse Borghouts
U11 – Dexter Webster-Davies
U12 – Henry Meggitt

David Kelly (Head of Junior School)