
Junior School News: Week 10 Term 3, 2021

Can you believe the term is nearly over? This has been a long and trying period for many and again our thanks go out for the efforts of our students, parents and carers during this extended period of remote learning. We are proud of the application students have shown and the work they have completed across the remote learning journey so far.

After R U Ok day last week and with many students becoming fatigued towards the end of a tumultuous term, we have planned for some lighter tasks during Week 10 with a reduced workload to allow students and families to unwind and prepare for the upcoming holiday break. Hopefully this offers a chance for the students to start to decompress from the rigours of remote learning before starting some much-needed rest and family time.

Our teachers also deserve a huge thank you. Teaching online is very different to our usual delivery method. I am not sure about others but I think I may need new glasses after all this is over with the amount of screen time I have had. Our teachers have been working odd hours to prepare online content, mark and give feedback online and communicate with students and families. Many of our teachers have young families or are dealing with other family circumstances so to produce what they have is to be applauded.

At the time of writing we are just beginning to get a picture of what Term 4 will look like in terms of transitioning back to face-to-face teaching and learning. We do know that remote teaching and learning will continue for several weeks into next term. We understand the benefits of transitioning back as soon as possible in line with advice from ACT Health. We do not yet know what impact this period might have had on some members of our community but please know staff are already planning mental health and wellbeing units and activities to ensure our students transition back to lessons next term with as much motivation and enthusiasm as we can cultivate.

Term 3 Progress Reports – please note these will be able to be accessed later today or tomorrow and will reflect effort for this term. There may be a comment or two but these have been reduced due to limited face-to-face teaching this term.

I would like to take this opportunity to wish everybody a nice term break and hopefully we get back to some form of normality at some point Term 4.

David Kelly
Assistant Principal – Junior School