
Junior School News: Week 2, Term 4, 2019

My understanding is that the school has dealt well with some IT issues over the last week with both students and teachers showing resilience, flexibility and resourcefulness. It is not until we are confronted with these types of issues that we realise how reliant we have become on certain systems and ways of doing things. I would like to thank all of the teachers and Ms Bridget Cusack for their commitment over the first week and a half of term 4, particularly given the technical challenges faced. I am back from my unplanned leave on Thursday this week and I look forward to catching up with all of the students and staff members. Thank you again to Ms Cusack for her leadership in my absence.

Homework Club – Please note that homework club will run from weeks 2-8 in Term 4. Bookings can be made with Mr Vayo (jvayo@stedmunds.act.edu.au). Bookings need to be made with a day’s notice and should include what work is to be completed.

Christmas Appeal – As the end of the year draws closer our thoughts turn towards the celebration of Christmas. This time of year is an opportunity for us to reflect upon the ways that we can assist those in our community less fortunate than ourselves. The College will be conducting its annual Christmas hamper appeal for St Vincent de Paul. There are two ways which the boys can contribute to this appeal. The first is the donation of items such as those listed below.

Foodstuffs for St Vincent de Paul: Pancake mix, packet cake, tea, Christmas pudding, long-life custard/ powder, sweet biscuits, bonbons

The second way for the students to contribute to the appeal is taking part in “Chores for Charity”. Boys are encouraged to perform chores for family/friends and to receive a token payment for completing the chore. The money collected is to be returned to school by the completion of the appeal (6 December). This money will be spent to purchase more items that will be added to the hampers.

I wish to take this opportunity to thank you for your continued support of the faith dimension of your son’s education and your support of this appeal.

Year 4 Retreat and Challenge Program –Thursday 14 November and Friday 15 November. A note will be coming on Thursday or Friday this week.

David Kelly (Assistant Principal – Junior School)