
Junior School News: Week 5, Term 4, 2018

Last week we welcomed new students and their families for 2019 with our Junior School 2019 Information Night. It was pleasing to see the newest St Edmund’s students looking eager and there was great excitement in the room.

The night before there was an information session for parents/carers for Year 7 2019 run by our Director of Pastoral Care, Pat Langtry, and our Director of Teaching and Learning, Marianne Geoghegan. Our current Year 6 students will spend time in High School on Friday 7 December as a part of their ongoing transition into Year 7. This will be in addition to other, more informal transition opportunities such as the Youth Ministry session.

Just a reminder about our School Christmas hamper appeal for St Vincent de Paul and Karinya House. The amount of donations of foodstuffs and personal care items such as body moisturisers or items for babies such as baby toys has been heart-warming. Some Students are also taking part in “Chores for Charity” where they do chores for family/friends and receive a token payment for completing the chore.

The money collected is returned to school and at the completion of the appeal, this money is then spent purchasing more items for both our charities. I would like to acknowledge and thank you for your ongoing and very generous support of the appeal. The finish date for the appeal is 16 November. The College touchstones of Inclusive community and Gospel Spirituality are very evident in the Junior School at present. Thank you to Ms Cusack for organising and driving this appeal in the Junior School.

Congratulations to Charles Grebert (Year 6 Gold) for winning a recent lawn bowls competition for his club. It is always nice to see our students succeeding in their endeavours outside of the classroom.

Hats – Just a reminder that all Junior School students need to have a hat for PE classes and also for recess and lunch. As with all clothing, please ensure your son’s hat is clearly marked with his name.

Christmas Concert Tuesday 4 December in the Hall @ 6pm – BBQ provided by the Junior School staff beforehand. Please come and join us for this terrific community event.

Junior School Picnic Day – Monday 10 December. On this day students of the Junior School will attend Big Splash Waterpark in Macquarie, ACT. Students will catch a bus to and from the venue and a letter will be coming home this week. Students may wear mufti clothes on this day.

Junior School Presentation Ceremony – Tuesday 11 December @9.15am. Please note that we have changed the time of our Presentation Ceremony to allow the High School to have their ceremony on the same day. The new time of our ceremony will be 9.15am – 10.30am. On this occasion award recipients (first, second and third) for each class will be recognised, along with other major awards including sportsman of the year, a music award and improvement awards for each class. All Year 6 students will receive a graduation certificate. We have had a few questions about whether family members can take their son’s out for lunch afterwards…this is of course absolutely fine. If your son will be leaving after the ceremony, please email Mrs Gray in advance.

David Kelly (Head of Junior School)