
Junior School News: Week 7, Term 4, 2018

During Weeks 7, 8 and 9 we have enjoyed or will be enjoying various activities. These activities are designed to keep Junior School students focused in class and engaged in authentic learning right up until the school year is finished. Last week, we had a visit from CSI Forensics. It was a great day where students learnt about Forensic Science and worked in small groups to solve a case. Each year level solved a different case and the feedback from students and staff was excellent. This week, students have participated in Start Smart – a grounding in financial literacy. Students learnt how to differentiate between cash saved and borrowed money (e.g. credit cards) and how using other people’s money can come at a cost (e.g. interest). Next week the winning Junior School House for Semester 2 will walk down to Manuka Cinemas for their prize. Who will it be? The suspense builds….We will also have a visit from Triathlon ACT on Thursday and they will work with all students in Years 4-6 and take them through their paces. On Friday 7 December, Year 6 students will be involved in a transition session for their move into Year 7. This session will run for approximately half a day.

Christmas Concert – Tuesday 4 December. A note has come home regarding the Christmas Concert – beginning at 5.30pm will a BBQ, carols will begin at 6.00pm in the Hall. All Junior School students are expected to attend. We are looking forward to a joy-filled evening. The BBQ will now be cooked and served by the Junior School staff and the Sri Lanka touring cricket team. A gold coin donation per sausage will assist their fundraising efforts.

Junior School Picnic Day – Monday 10 December. On this day students of the Junior School will attend Big Splash Waterpark in Macquarie, ACT. Students will catch a bus to and from the venue. Students may wear mufti clothes on this day. Please return your son’s note as soon as possible to his class teacher.

Junior School Presentation Ceremony – Tuesday 11 December @9.15am. Please note that we have changed the time of our Presentation Ceremony to allow the High School to have their ceremony on the same day. The new time of our ceremony will be 9.15am – 10.30am. On this occasion award recipients (first, second and third) for each class will be recognised, along with other major awards including sportsman of the year, a music award and improvement awards for each class. All Year 6 students will receive a graduation certificate. We have had a few questions about whether family members can take their son’s out for lunch afterwards…this is of course absolutely fine. If your son will be leaving after the ceremony, please email Mrs Gray in advance.

David Kelly (Head of Junior School)