
Junior School News: Week 8, Term 3, 2020

Last week we enjoyed quite a few special events in the Junior School. There was a buzz on Friday with the Year 6 students having an opportunity to showcase their Science projects. The electrical toys and machines were super impressive, so much so that they had visitors from the High School, including Mr Zavone and Mr Garrity. Congratulations to all of the students for their terrific work. Our new students for 2020 also enjoyed a session with our Year 12 students during Formation time. Students involved thoroughly enjoyed mixing with our oldest students and there were many great activities and conversations. It is one of the many benefits of being part of a 4-12 College. Thank you must also go to Mr Monagle,  Mrs Wilson, Ms Gair and Ms Cusack for their help in coordinating this program. Thank you to all of our players and spectators involved in Saturday’s Rugby fixtures against Marist. Reports were again positive and the photo shared on social media earlier this week spoke a thousand words about the great relationship between the two schools. If you haven’t seen it yet I would urge you to take a look. We wish our U11 Soccer team well as they take on Marist this weekend.

Experience Eddies Day – We had a very successful day on Monday with 40 prospective students attending Eddies for a day. Thank you to all of the students who helped out on the day at play times and during lessons.

Term 3 Progress Reports – Please note that you will receive progress reports during Week 10 of this term. Along with your son’s report, you will also receive information on how to book a parent/teacher interview for the start of Term 4. Progress reports are designed to provide a snapshot of effort and also some key academic areas that are going well and some targeted goals for improvement.

Friday 18 September – Karinya House fundraiser. Please note that this is a Mufti Day. Students can wear neat, casual, appropriate clothes on this day. Students are asked to bring a gold coin donation to go towards Mothers and babies in crisis. This is also the day of our College ‘stayover’. Currently we have over 12 Junior School students registered for this program which goes from after school until about 9pm. Please get in contact with Ms Cusack if you would like more information. On this day we will also hold an assembly to reinforce why we support this charity and also to present some academic awards. Parents/carers of students receiving awards will be notified prior. We are hoping to be in a position to invite one parent/carer per award winner to this assembly. Also on this day, we will celebrate Mr Neil Roberts’ fantastic contribution to Junior School as he embarks on a new role in the school from the beginning of Term 4. Some 6 Gold students have been devising an event to say farewell and I will email 6 Gold parents/carers later this week to inform them of details regarding this.

David Kelly
Assistant Principal – Junior School