
Junior School News: Week 8 Term 4, 2021

Last week our Junior School students and staff voted for our Junior School Leaders for 2022. I wish to congratulate all Year 5 students who nominated for positions, participated in the lunchtime preparation sessions and delivered speeches last week. The calibre of the speeches was outstanding with many long-term staff believing they had not witnessed so many quality speeches delivered in one session previously. We look forward to all of our Year 6 2022 cohort taking a leadership role within the Junior School, not just the students mentioned below.

The following students were elected on Friday. Congratulations to these students and we look forward to their leadership in 2022.

Junior School Leaders
Oliver Neave (Liberating Education)
Max Riva (Justice and Solidarity)
Dale Fisher (Inclusive Community)
Owen O’Grady (Gospel Spirituality)

House Leaders
Andre L’aimable (Mulrooney)
Lokomalani Faupula (Haydon)
Jay Stonham (O’Brien)
Byron Wright (Rice)
Isaac Iirilli (Clancy)
Koby Carmody (Treacy) 

Christmas Appeal
Thank you to all the families who have been able to contribute to our Christmas Appeal and well done to boys who have been participating in Chores for Charity. Keep up the good work.

Year 6 2022
Parents/carers are reminded our school BYOD program begins in Year 6. Technical specifications are listed on the school website: BYOD Program (sec.act.edu.au). An email went home to all Year 5 families last week so please check to see you received it.

The Junior School Presentation Ceremony – Tuesday 7 December at 9.15am – 10.30am in the Hall
Last year we were only able to have one parent per award winner and Year 6 student attend. There is hope that restrictions will ease on 29 November this year to allow us to have two parents of Year 6 students and award winners. Parents/carers of award winners have been notified this week.

Semester 2 Reporting
Despite the unusual circumstances we have encountered in Semester 2, Junior School reports will show grading in most subjects. There may be some subjects that we just could not assess and reports will reflect if this is the case. The report will include a comment although it may not be as detailed as in past semesters. The reports will be available electronically in Week 10.

Team HEAT Holiday Program
St Edmund’s College Junior School will be hosting a fun and exciting Team H.E.A.T holiday program in the upcoming school holidays. This will take place on Monday 13th December through to Friday 17th December and is run by an external provider.

Please note that at this stage only St Edmund’s Junior School students may attend this program due to current Covid-19 restrictions. Numbers are limited.

For more information or if you have any questions, please contact team_heat@outlook.com

David Kelly
Assistant Principal – Junior School