
Junior School News: Week 9 Term 1, 2022

Academic Award Winners
Congratulations to the students mentioned below for achieving an academic award, presented at a whole school assembly today. Normally these awards are presented at our Junior School academic assemblies but an opportunity arose to acknowledge their hard work and commitment in front of the whole school. With a few restrictions easing, we will be back to our regular assembly format in Term 2 and parents/carers should be able to be present.

Well done to the following students:
4 White – Max Bathgate, Raaghav Kaushik, Kael Sixsmith, Gabriel Dent
4 Blue – Joey White, Liam Johnston, Aiden Stokes-Oldfield, Saxon Small
5 White – Evan Barba, Theo Passeggi, Archie DeVoy, Brax Chignell
5 Blue – Samuel Mitchell, Darius Brandy, Matthew Bolton, Lewis Skerry-Wallace
6 White – Alexander Bond, Meteib Alkhurainej, Riley Costello, Alexander Hipwell
6 Blue – Byron Wright, Edmund O’Donoghue, Hayden McCann, Will Gregory
6 Gold – Chance Tapelu, Archer Eaton, Jack Hutchinson, Carter Nancarrow

Cross Country – the Junior School will be holding a cohort-based cross country morning on Wednesday 6 April from 9.20am – 10.40am. All students are asked to wear either house colours or PE uniform on the day. Any attire should be suitable for running. Distances are U9 – 1500m, U10 – 2000m, U11/U12 – 3000m. Results from this day will be used to finalise team members for the South Weston regional cross country carnival in Term 2. Unfortunately, parents will not be able to attend.

Track & Field – 800m trials will be held for students on Friday 8 April (last day of Term) who are interested in trialling for the school athletics team. The top 4 performance per age group will qualify for the team. As it is Day 10 on the timetable, students should have their PE uniform on and will be asked to meet Mr Fox and Mr Kelly at recess for the trial. If your son is interested in the 800m and will be absent on the day of the trial, please contact Mr Fox so we can organise an alternate day for your son to trial.

Team Heat Holiday Program – St Edmund’s College Junior School will be the venue for a fun and exciting Team H.E.A.T holiday program in the upcoming school holidays. This will take place on Monday April 11 through to Thursday April 14. All activities are facilitated by Team H.E.A.T. Numbers are limited. For more information please contact team_heat@outlook.com

Winter Sports – With most Winter sports now getting started, just a reminder that we speak with Junior School students regularly about not getting caught up in discussions about chosen sports, gradings and divisions. Every year we remind students of this to allow all students to enjoy their chosen sport and feel part of the wider St Edmund’s family. Placing too much pressure on themselves to make a certain team or division causes an extra layer of anxiety that benefits no one. The simple fact we reinforce to the students is that what division they are selected for this year is not a good predictor for success in later schooling or even adult life. We use the examples of numerous former First V, First XI and First XV captains who played division 2, 3 or 4 in Junior School and High School while they were still maturing. We also mention the stories of greats like Michael Jordan and Nat Fyfe. Students who do use team or sport selections to put others down will not be meeting school expectations.

Winter Sports Wet Weather – Please speak with your son about a plan B for when trainings are cancelled due to inclement weather. Generally speaking, training cancellations are made by 2.00pm on the day so that there is sufficient time to inform the community. All students will need a plan B in case trainings are cancelled.

Isolation notifications – Just a reminder for parents with a son or sons in isolation to email principal@stedmunds.act.edu.au with details of whether it is a positive Covid case or household contact and dates associated. The school keeps two sensitive lists, one for positive cases and one for household contacts. Also, just a reminder that if your son is displaying symptoms to keep him at home until symptoms subside. This will help keep all in our extended community safe.

ACT School Sports Trials
Over the coming weeks and months, there will be opportunities for students to trial for 12 Years and Under ACT Representative teams for a variety of sports. Anyone with a child interested in trialling for the various sports needs to log onto the School Sport ACT website and register for the sport that your child wishes to trial for. It is the responsibility of parents to monitor the website for any upcoming sporting events, if your child is interested in competing in the regional/national competitions.

Please also note: if your child is successful in being selected for an ACT team to participate in a national or regional tournament, you need to write a formal letter to the Principal to seek permission for absence from school during this period. Once the College has received such a request, it can then be formally approved for your son’s participation in this activity with School Sport ACT. Secondly, we will also be able to acknowledge his achievement.

Year 4-6 after school Homework Club
Tuesday & Wednesday after school – beginning Week 2
3.30pm – 4.30pm
Junior School Library lab
Boys are to bring work with them that they may need assistance with. This could be homework, assignments, extension work or additional work set by their classroom teacher.
All students are welcome to attend, but this is not a drop-in session and parents must email Mr Kelly in advance requesting attendance for the week (one or both days) and what their son will be working on.

PE Uniform – Just a reminder that your son is to wear his PE uniform to school each day his class is scheduled to have PE. He is also to wear PE uniform on Day 10 of the timetable as classes usually have Year group sport on this day.

Year 6 Runners Program – As a part of our Year 6 into High School transition program, we will be enlisting the assistance of Year 6 students to help as runners. As runners, the students will get to know the school layout very well ahead of Year 7. The students will work in pairs for a full day (learning remotely between jobs). The students will rotate through on a daily basis for semester 1 only.

Absences – If your son is away from school, parents/carers need to ring 6239 0694 or email studentservices@stedmunds.act.edu.au with a reason. If you forget to do this, you will receive a text message. If you receive a text message, reply 1 – sick, or 2 – family reasons to account for the absence.

Staff Car Park (off Canberra Avenue) – Parents/carers are asked not to use this area for dropping off or picking up as it poses a definite risk to students. Parents/carers are asked to use the drive-through at the front of the school or one of the roads surrounding the school (not Canberra Avenue). Thank you for your support with this.

David Kelly
Assistant Principal – Junior School