
Junior School News: Week 9 Term 4, 2021

Next week our current Year 6 cohort will finish up their time in Junior School. They have been a wonderful year group and great leaders within our school. I will thank them on Tuesday but I just hope all of our parents associated with Year 6 understand just how impressed the staff have been with them this year, particularly given the challenges they have faced. Our Presentation Ceremony will have a focus on Year 6 and each year 6 student may have two guests at our Junior School Presentation Ceremony. All families of award winners (Years 4-6) have been notified and award winners may have two guests present. Unfortunately, this year if your son is not an award winner or in Year 6 we cannot extend an invitation to you to attend our Presentation Ceremony. The exception to this is parents of students performing musical items who may have two guests also.

Christmas Appeal
Thank you to all the families who have been able to contribute to our Christmas Appeal and well done to boys who have been participating in Chores for Charity. Hampers will be presented on behalf of the school on Monday after Big Splash and the Staff v Students cricket match.

Year 6 2022
Parents/carers are reminded our school BYOD program begins in Year 6. Technical specifications are listed on the school website: BYOD Program (sec.act.edu.au). An email went home to all Year 5 families a couple of weeks ago so please check to see you received it.

Big Splash Excursion
Please ensure your son has returned this note and that the cost of the excursion has been covered in line with the instructions on the note.

The Junior School Presentation Ceremony – Tuesday 7 December at 9.15am – 10.30am in the Hall
As detailed above. We may have two guests per Year 6 student, award winner or musical performer. Unfortunately this ceremony is not open to other guests due to spacing requirements.

Stationery Lists 2022
Please note these can be found on the school website in the Junior School section.

Class Allocation 2022
All parents/carers will receive an email in early January listing your son’s class teacher for 2022. Please note a lot of work goes into class lists and teachers work very hard to choose suitable groupings for the best learning outcomes of all students.

Semester 2 Reporting

Despite the unusual circumstances we have encountered in Semester 2, Junior School reports will show grading in most subjects. There may be some subjects that we just could not assess and reports will reflect if this is the case. The report will include a comment although it may not be as detailed as in past semesters. The reports will be available electronically in Week 10.

Team HEAT Holiday Program
St Edmund’s College Junior School will be hosting a fun and exciting Team H.E.A.T holiday program in the upcoming school holidays. This will take place on Monday 13th December through to Friday 17th December and is run by an external provider.

Please note that at this stage only St Edmund’s Junior School students may attend this program due to current Covid-19 restrictions. Numbers are limited.

For more information or if you have any questions, please contact team_heat@outlook.com

David Kelly
Assistant Principal – Junior School