
Mathematics in Senior School

This has been the most exciting Year for Mathematics in close to 20 years I have been at the College.  We have been working closely with Ms Emma Ramke to identify students capable of being accelerated through the Year groups and a number of boys are benefiting from that program. In addition, we have decided to “raise the bar” for those that are quite handy at Mathematics so that we now have a Year 8 class completing the Year 9 curriculum and a Year 9 class having their lessons supplemented by the Year 10 curriculum. There is a further class of Year 10 Advanced students who are being extended through their own project work. All of the above students have been identified carefully from previous school reports, NAPLAN and PAT testing and sometimes CogAT. It is possible that some might have slipped through the cracks and I am more than happy to discuss that with parents if it is just about Mathematics (otherwise, please contact Ms Ramke).

The Maths Enrichment Club is up and running again this week with invitations being mailed out on Monday.

Others have not been forgotten as we strive to meet the needs of all learners. Those wishing a little more help can attend tutoring in the Library from Tuesdays to Fridays. A Maths teacher is always rostered on. Students do not need to enrol, they simply show up at 3:30pm and can stay until 5:00pm. Once there, students need to tell the tutor what they need help with otherwise they risk not getting any help. It certainly assists the process if they bring their textbooks and/or assignments. Some have made it a regular appointment so that they can catch up on homework and get help if needed while others just pop-in on an as-required basis.

Please call me on 02 6239 0601 if you would like to discuss any matters relating to Mathematics at the College.

Ed Mickleburgh (Head of Mathematics)