
Mission News: Week 9, Term 4, 2020

20 Years as a Priest – Father Dan Benedetti MGL PP

Congratulations to our College Chaplain Father Dan Benedetti MGL PP who celebrated his 20th year anniversary as a Priest on the 1st of December. We keep you in our prayers, thank you for all you do for the SEC community.

2020 recipient of the Young Canberra Citizen of the Year Personal Achievement Award- Jason Howes

Jason Howes (above) came into St Edmunds to pick up his Award this week from reception. He has recently starting an Education degree at UC and has received High Distinctions for a number of subjects. To read more about Jason see link below. Well done Jason!


Vinnies Christmas Hampers 2020 – 50 hampers and counting…

The College came together and presented our donation of 50 hampers (almost the width of the grandstand!) and $2,053.20 to Vinnies Australia in Narrabundah Chapter.

A massive thank you to all the boys who donated items for the hampers, participated in the mufti day, and the boys in our Year 6 Business and Economics class who fundraised specifically for the Christmas Appeal!

End of year reflection exercise

Where has your metanoia or spiritual conversion occurred in your life in 2020?

Throughout Advent and in the lead up to Christmas I ask you to reflect on your year and everything that it has brought. Spiritual reflection and prayer are key exercises that can help give life meaning and purpose. Allow yourself the time to sit still and welcome God into discerning the learnings from the last twelve months.

Definition – Metanoia

  • change in one’s way of life resulting from spiritual conversion.
  • “what he demanded of people was metanoia a complete change of heart

Our scriptural theme for 2020 offers some guidance for writing down our key learnings from this unusual year. Please sit and reflect on the two questions below.

Second Sunday of Advent

In this second Sunday of Advent, as we continue our preparation for the Birth of Jesus, we are introduced to the figure of John the Baptist, the first to identify Jesus as the one God’s people had been waiting for! All four Gospels compel us to approach Jesus through this one ‘crying out in the wilderness’ (Mk 1:3). The Baptist calls us to a baptism of repentance, and Jesus acknowledges and agrees with John’s message. Of John, Jesus says “among those born of women no one is greater…” (Lk 7:28). Jesus thus echoes the need of a transformative change (a metanoia) in each human heart. But while John’s message was one that ended there, one of strict and immediate warning, as if to say, it is now too late for you all! Jesus proclaims, that there is more to be said!

We are reminded in Advent that Christ, will come again, and we look forward to that time with great anticipation and joyful hope, while also doing our diligence to prepare well here and now. Jesus announces that there is more to be said! Now is the time of mercy. More to be said by a God who is far more mysterious and patience then we first suspect! More to be said by a God who is far more merciful than we could ever believe! More to be said by a God who is far more loving and close to us than we dare to acknowledge. This is the Mystery of the Incarnation and Christmas – this is the Incarnate HOPE, of the God who comes to us!

While recalling the Israelites captivity, Isaiah in our first reading echoes this great hope, as he echoes the promise of Jesus’ coming, to a people called to “prepare the way”.

Let us, with John the Baptist, prepare the way friends, and let us do so confidently!

Confident of our Lord’s promise!

Christmas Masses 2020

This year, on account of Covid-19 restrictions and regulations, parishioners attending

Christmas Masses in the Cathedral parish are asked to register online through one of our Trybooking links. Unfortunately, only limited numbers will gather within the Cathedral and Saint Peter Chanel’s for each Mass, however outdoor space will be used in addition to accommodate overflow. *An additional Mass will be offered if necessary.

I sincerely thank you for your understanding and constant patience during this unsettling year. Jesus was born into the uncertainty and doubt of our lives this much istrue – let us be consoled by His closeness in these days of Hope!

St Peter Chanel’s Christmas Masses – 4 Masses at Yarralumla – www.trybooking.com/BNJVH

Saint Christopher’s Cathedral Masses – 7 Masses Manuka – www.trybooking.com/BNJYD

Taken from St Christopher’s Cathedral – click here for the full bulletin.

What to pray for during Advent?

  • Pray for attentiveness to what truly matters, without being distracted by trivial things.
  • Pray for opportunities to learn something new regularly.
  • Pray for discernment of how God would like you to set your priorities and the ability to focus on them consistently to fulfill His purposes in your life.
  • Pray for the grace to be able to rest, become aware of God’s presence, and enjoy it.
  • Pray for strong relationships with other people in the bond of loving community.
  • Pray for peace in all situations, no matter what the circumstances.
  • Pray for an enlivened imagination that helps you contribute to the world in creative ways.
  • Pray for freedom from all that burdens you – past mistakes, fears, destructive habits, hurts other people have inflicted, and more.
  • Pray for joy and a sense of humour.
  • Pray for confidence in God’s love for you and trust in His power to work things out for the best in your life.
  • Pray for a clear mind and the ability to clearly communicate what you value to others.
  • Pray for purity so you can grow as a person and encounter God more fully.
  • Pray for openness to the Holy Spirit’s guidance.

Blessed Edmund Rice…Prayer for us.
Live Jesus in our Hearts…Forever.

Michael Monagle
Assistant Principal – Mission and Identity