
Principal’s Message: Term 1, Week 3, 2021

“If we walk in the light, as he is the light, we have fellowship with one another.” 1 John 1:7

To the family and friends of St Edmund’s College,

Ash Wednesday and Lent
Ash Wednesday is one of the most important holy days in the Catholic liturgical calendar. Ash Wednesday signifies the commencement of Lent, a season of fasting and prayer.  Ash Wednesday comes from the ancient Jewish tradition of penance and fasting. The practice includes the wearing of ashes on the forehead, with the ashes symbolising the dust from which God made us.

In my reflection to our students at the Ash Wednesday liturgy, I explained that Lent has to be more than just giving up the superficial things.  Lent must be much more than just giving up a type of food or drink.  Often we hear adults say that they will give up coffee for Lent, or alcohol, or chocolate or ice-cream, etc.  I find this quite meaningless and self-centred, with the focus of Lent shifting to the individual rather than to the people around you.  Lent is not about a superficial giving up of something – rather it is about a change of heart; it is a season to prepare our hearts for change.  Making a superficial sacrifice does not do this.  It does not move us from thinking about ourselves to thinking about others. Instead, the best sacrifice we can make during Lent is the sacrifice of time – making more time in our day to pray and be conscious of God around us; making more time to reflect on how God has blessed us in so many wonderful ways; spending time to be consciously grateful for our families and our friends. If we “give up” this time every day to pray, to reflect and to be silent, then we move our thoughts away from ourselves as individuals and more towards ourselves as part of a wider community – we see clearly who we are in relationship with others and with God. During Lent, in the ordinariness of our everyday lives, we can develop a spiritual attentiveness and awareness of the presence of God at the heart of life. This is the change that Lent should bring to us, the change that best prepares us for our participation in the Passion of Christ at Easter.

Academic Assembly / High Achievers Recognition
Last Friday we welcomed back our top achievers from the Class of 2020.  We celebrated and acknowledged the efforts of our top ten Tertiary Pathway (ATAR) achievers as well as our five most outstanding Accredited Pathway (Vocational) achievers.

Benjamin Francis (Dux) gave an inspiring address to the student body about the importance of schooling and learning. Benjamin was a radically accelerated student and part of our Gifted Program, as were another two of the top ten achievers, Jay Horan and Tian Uksi. This is a great testament to our students and to our Gifted Program.  Joining Benjamin, Jay and Tian last Friday were Lawson Burn, Noyal Saji, Patrick McFarlane, Richard Álvarez Baumann, Daniel Fisher, Roy Wallace, Lachlan Brayshaw, Ben Morrison, Blair Stewart, Luke Nazor, Brad Milin.  On behalf of the College we would like to congratulate our young men and wish them well on the next stage of their lives

Our Vice Captain – Academic, Jack Hodges, gave an address to the student body about the importance of growth and improvement, stressing that there is always an opportunity to improve yourself.  His analogy of school as a marathon was a strong and clear symbol of the benefits of continued and continual efforts throughout the year.

We also acknowledged our Gold Award winners – students who have gained excellent academic achievement over the semester.  The Gold Awards recognise the exceptional academic achievements and outstanding application to studies that students have displayed in Semester 2 2020 and are awarded to students who have a combined Effort Grade and Academic Grade of 9.5 or greater, out of 10, meaning they have achieved an A grade for both Effort and Academic achievement in the majority of their subjects.

We congratulate the following students on their outstanding achievement:
Reuben McBride (Year 8, Mulrooney), Patrick Tranyor (Year 8, Mulrooney), Rory Forbes (Year 9, Rice), Lewis Marshall (Year 9, Mulrooney), Tristan Borghouts (Year 10, Treacy), Toby Francis (Year 10, O’Brien), Charles Sneddon (Year 10, Clancy), Christian Stramandinoli (Year 10, Treacy), Devraux Tapelu (Year 10, Mulrooney), Samuel Greenwood (Year 11, Mulrooney), Andrew McFarlane (Year 11, Clancy), Matthew McGrath (Year 11, Haydon), Baden Godfrey (Year 12, O’Brien), Nicholas Odgers (Year 12, Treacy).

Robert Falzon, Raising Fathers
On the evening of Wednesday 3 March, the College has the privilege of hosting a book launch for well-known and respected author Robert Falzon. Robert is a husband, father, businessman, published author and co-founder of menALIVE. He has been awarded many business accolades.  In 2007, Robert sold his primary manufacturing business to focus in a full-time volunteer capacity on working with men through menALIVE – a National Catholic Ministry to Men. Since the founding of menALIVE in 2003, this work has delivered 450 events across 26 dioceses and numerous schools in Australia and New Zealand, reaching more than 30,000 men.

Robert will be launching his new book, Raising Fathers. “In an age where there is a training manual to do almost everything, there is still no manual, map or compass to do one of the most important and impacting task on earth – Fathering!”  This event is open to anyone (not just fathers) interested in families, raising children and establishing positive family relationships.  Join us for this free evening event as Robert unpacks practical advice and stories that are powerfully important, impacting, informative and instructional for fathering in today’s world. I sincerely recommend Robert Falzon’s work to you and hope to see you at the book launch.

Please register for this g event by following this link: https://www.facebook.com/events/1088585198280632/

Second Hand Uniform
Many parents would be aware that we have a second-hand uniform facility which is used for families in need. There is absolutely no financial transaction for these items; we give these items to our families as the need arises. I would ask you to please consider donating pre-loved items of uniform to our second-hand uniform collection so we always have items on hand to use with our families.  Items should be washed and ironed and can be left with our Reception staff. Families who might be in need of our second-hand uniform collection can contact my office or their Head of House to facilitate this process.

Ash Wednesday Prayer
Gracious God,
Ash Wednesday begins a period of inner reflection and examination.
The days stretch before us and invite us inward to that silent, holy space that holds your Spirit.
This special time beckons us to see our lives through Christ’s eyes
and the truth and reality of your love incarnate.
Give us the grace to enter the space of these days with anticipation of our meeting.
And, when we open our souls to your presence,
let your loving kindness flow over us and seep into the pockets of our hearts.
We ask this for the sake of your love.

Blessed Edmund Rice, pray for us
Live Jesus in our hearts, forever

Joe Zavone
Christus Lux Mea