
Principal’s Message: Term 1, Week 7, 2022

“Let us consider how to stir one another to love and good works.” Hebrews 10:24-25

Dear families and friends of St Edmund’s College,

Last week I underwent my summative review with Edmund Rice Education Australia (EREA) as my first five-year contract as Principal of St Edmund’s College expires at the end of this year. The review was conducted by the EREA Director of Schools (Eastern Region), a colleague principal from an interstate EREA school and a colleague principal from another local Catholic school.  The panel conducted interviews with a selection of students, parents, staff, old boys and key members of the College community. A survey was also conducted leading up to the interviews with all College staff members. I am pleased to say that the review was very successful and that my contract has been renewed for another five years (up to 2027).  This has been a significant time of personal and professional reflection and perception, focusing on what has been achieved for the good of the College and its members, and what needs to be reinforced and strengthened.  I look forward to continuing to serve the St Edmund’s community and working with all members of our community in the positive growth and development of the College.

Student Expectations
I wrote to you last week about our expectations of students in terms of behaviour and attitude.  As all parents have agreed to these expectations in signing the enrolment form, then these expectations are viewed as shared expectations. We cannot be in a position where College rules, procedures and expectations are treated like a buffet or smorgasbord, with parents and students picking and choosing which rules and expectations they wish to follow and which ones they wish to ignore.  All of our expectations and procedures are relevant to all of our students all of the time.

St Edmund’s College aims to provide effective learning and teaching in partnership with parents and the wider community.  We require all students and parents to support the College with high expectations including:

Demonstrating excellence by attending all classes and being in class at all times. Students are expected to arrive before 8:50am, attend each day, and be on time to each lesson. Irregular attendance, whether it be whole day absence, partial absences, truancy or late arrival to class can all have a significant impact on a student’s learning and achievement.

Demonstrating responsibility by wearing the correct school uniform. Students are expected to wear the correct school uniform including black, leather school shoes.  Students are expected to wear the College PE uniform and supportive sports shoes for PE practical lessons. When out of uniform, at the very least students are expected to bring a signed note from their parent/carer and show this to their Head of House or Junior School teacher at the commencement of the day. Visit our website for details of correct school uniform and visit the uniform shop onsite on Mondays 8.00 am – 12.00 pm; Wednesdays 2.00 pm – 6.00 pm and Fridays 8.00 am – 12.00 pm.

Demonstrating responsibility by keeping mobile phones off / silent and away. Students are expected to turn their phone off or keep it on silent and keep it away all day when in class, in meetings, in informal and formal gatherings and assemblies and when in the building. Students failing to cooperate with this expectation will be asked to hand over their phone and parents notified of the consequences.

Demonstrating responsibility by being organised and prepared for lessons. Students are expected to have their homework diary (Junior School and Years 7 & 8), workbooks, devices and other essential equipment for each and every lesson of learning. Completing homework and assessment tasks is also the responsibility of every student.

Demonstrating respect by maintaining personal space. Students are expected to be mindful of personal space when in class, moving between classes and in the yard. Students must keep their ‘hands-off’ at all times, and games or play fighting that breaks this expectation is not accepted. This unsafe behaviour can cause accidents or lead to more aggressive interactions, which will not be tolerated.

Demonstrating respect by treating each other with dignity and courtesy. Students are expected to be mindful of respecting the dignity of other members of the College community (students, staff and visitors) as well as members of the broader community in how they speak and what they say, whether this is in person or online.

Demonstrating respect by cooperating with staff, school expectations and procedures. Students are expected to know and always demonstrate our core values, speak courteously and with appropriate manners, and be an up-stander by telling peers to stop or walking away when they may not be cooperating.

Demonstrating respect by treating looking after the College facilities. Students are expected to be mindful of respecting the facilities – classrooms, ovals, toilets and change rooms, specialist areas, gardens, etc.  Students also have a responsibility to let College staff know when there is a problem with College facilities.

Added to this is the Statement of Eddies Pride, a series of aspirational statements and goals developed by a group of students two years ago.  This Statement sets the standard of spirit and expectations at the College for which all students should aim and maintain.

Eddies Pride is …

  • Striving to achieve my personal best, showing resilience and engagement.
  • Investing in respectful, positive relationships with everyone in the College and the wider community.
  • Contributing to a constructive learning environment and meeting College expectations.
  • Honouring the College name, reputation and facilities.
  • Reflecting the College motto in all that I do and say.

Students in Years 7 to 10 were clearly reminded of these expectations at assemblies last week.

We value our partnership with you in your son’s education and are supportive of regular communication. For this to be successful, please ensure that Student Services has your current mobile phone number and email address. As we move towards the end of Term One, we are looking forward to a year full of exciting programs and opportunities for our students.

Canberra Avenue School Zone
As you are aware I have been lobbying for the safety of our students in having Canberra Avenue made a 40 km school zone.  This lobbying started in February 2020 (two years ago!) with an email to Chris Steel MLA, Minister for Roads and Active Travel.  At that time the Minister replied that the school has limited frontage on Canberra Avenue and tat Canberra Avenue is an arterial road already zoned at 60 kph.  Unfortunately this reply was made without the Minister seeing the number of students we have crossing the road of a morning and afternoon and the number of cars we have trying to leave our driveway and car park of a morning and afternoon.  The Minister asked me to contact the Director of the School Safety Program, ironically a program advocating that students should consider walking to school.  The last correspondence I received from the Director, School Safety Program was in March 2021 (a year ago), advising me that “We have engaged a consultant to look at Canberra Avenue and consider what improvements can be made to improve safety for pedestrians. The consultant has commenced this piece of work, including an initial site assessment. We are scheduled to catch up with the consultant in the next few weeks to discuss their findings and recommendations for each school”.

I note that the ACT Government did not hesitate to transform Civic into a 40 km zone – an area that already has traffic lights, pedestrian crossings and safety measures in place.  We do not have any traffic control facility along Canberra Avenue.  The closest traffic controls are the traffic lights near Manuka Oval and the traffic lights at Nyrang Street near the 7-Eleven service station. Our students (and the students of St Clare’s) who have decided to do the right thing and walk to school have absolutely nowhere safe to cross Canberra Avenue. I will continue to lobby the ACT Government for some safety measure along Canberra Avenue to ensure safe passage for our students.  In all honesty I cannot believe that this is something I need to fight for, when in NSW any road that is adjacent to a school is zoned a 40 km school zone, whether it be a six-lane highway or small back lane.

Staff Car Park
Parent and carers are asked not to use the staff car park off Canberra Avenue for dropping off or picking up as it poses a risk to students. Parents and carers are asked to use the drive-through at the front of the school or one of the roads surrounding the school (not Canberra Avenue). Thank you for your support with this.

Prayer for the Second Week of Lent
God of Love, God of Peace,
This fractured word cries out in pain
and burns deep into my soul.
It challenges me to make a difference
God of Love, God of Peace,
God of this world,
scarred by grief and tears,
ignorance and fear,
soften hearts of stone and begin with mine
God of Love, God of Peace,
Create within me
a heart for people,
a desire for change and for new beginnings
to start this day.
We ask this through our Lord Jesus Christ, your Son,
who lives and reigns with You and the Holy Spirit,
one God, for ever and ever.

Blessed Edmund Rice, pray for us
Live Jesus in our hearts, forever

Joe Zavone
Christus Lux Mea