
Principal’s Message: Week 5, Term 4, 2018

To the family and friends of St Edmund’s College,

This week sees the final week of formal lessons for students in Years 11 and 12. We wish all of our Year 11 and 12 students the very best of luck with their upcoming examinations.  Our Year 12 students are nearing the end of their time here at St Edmund’s, with examinations in some subjects next week and then a day of special Graduation events on Friday 30 November. I will devote a special address for Year 12 students in the Vortex closest to their Graduation events.

India Immersion Experience

At the last College Assembly, I was presented with some lovely gifts by the Year 11 students who attended the recent India Immersion Experience. I was presented with a small model ‘tuk-tuk’ to add to my model car collection, as well as a stationery set made from recycled materials.  Of greatest interest though was a book that the boys had put together, sharing their reflections on their immersion experience along with some photos.  I wanted to share some of the six written experiences with the St Edmund’s community as they reflect so well and clearly the values of such a significant experience:

“My experience in India was amazing, eye-opening, confronting, wonderful and indescribably unique. Each leg of the trip held its own experience.  We began in Kolkata, where we immediately began to meet the locals, immerse ourselves in the local culture by walking the streets, and also visiting schools where we met amazing, lovely kids who immediately welcomed us.  An amazing thing I realised in Kolkata was that we could visit these schools and even possibly bring no money and yet still put a smile on so many faces.  It was evident straight away that the kids we visited valued our connection with them more than anything.  On top of this, knowing that we had money to help those schools made it even more rewarding as I realised our money was going to wonderful places.  Varanasi was an amazing place, as for me it was an example of religion being the driving force behind life and culture for the entire city, which is something both very rare and wonderful. Delhi followed, and as we visited communities and schools in Delhi, meeting amazing people who have fought so hard to build schools and help people, it showed that advocacy was evident in these incredible people.  My experience in India is something I will never forget, and I am so thankful for the opportunity to be able to give service to people in need, and give support to people fighting to help others.”

“I would go back to India in heartbeat.  The beauty of its cities in brought by the millions of kind hearts that call India home.”

“It was so amazing that even though no one at the schools and communities knew us personally, they saw the shirt of St Edmund’s College and knew exactly our values and who we stand for.  They had faith in us to help them and we had faith in them to continue their aim in assisting the less fortunate.”

Remembrance Day

Last Monday we held a very simple but significant Remembrance Day Assembly at the College. This year we commemorated the 100th year anniversary since the guns on the Western Front fell silent and reflect on the significance of that event. We also pause to remember all of the men and women of the Australian Defence Force who have made the ultimate sacrifice, we remember those they have left behind and of course we acknowledge those who are still in the service of their country. I thank Mr Ian Harvey for his work in organising our commemoration.

All-powerful and ever-living God,
When Abraham left his native land and departed from his people,
You kept him safe through all his journeys.
Protect the men and women who make up our armed forces.
Be their constant companion and their strength in battle,
their refuge in every adversity.
Guide them, O Lord that they may return home in safety.
We ask this through Christ our Lord.

Blessed Edmund Rice, pray for us.
Live Jesus in Our Hearts, forever.

Second-Hand Uniforms

I would like to establish a second-hand uniform facility for parents to have another option for the purchasing of the College uniform (only the new uniform, not the old uniform).  Now that we have some of our Year 6, Year 10 and Year 12 students coming to the end of their time in the new College uniform, I would ask parents to give careful consideration to donate these uniforms back to the College.  I also extend this invitation to parents of students in other years who have grown out of the new College uniform.

If you would like to participate in this program and be of assistance to other parents, I would ask that you please ensure that shirts, trousers, shorts, jumpers, blazers and PE/sports clothing are in good condition and cleaned prior to being donated to the College.  We will store these items and make them available to other parents at a reduced cost.  Please note that the College is not in a position to repair donated items or to have them cleaned.  It is important that items are in good condition and cleaned prior to being donated back to the College.

These items can be left at Reception during the December/January holidays (in our office holiday hours) or left at either Reception or Student Services when school commences in 2019.  Please note that second-hand uniform items are not to be left at the Uniform Shop nor can second-hand items be purchased from the Uniform Shop. We will advise you when the second-hand uniform service is up and running in terms of location and process.

Christus Lux Mea

Joe Zavone (College Principal)