
Recycling: Raising Funds and Awareness

Recycling: Raising Funds and Awareness

In caring for our common home, Pope Francis outlines the communal dimension of ecological justice. Laudato Si (Praise be to you) asserts that “all of us can cooperate as instruments of God for the care of creation, each according to his or her own culture, experience, involvements and talents.” (Paragraph 14)

Each individual at St Edmund’s has a part to play in maintaining and protecting the environment we are in as we are all stewards of creation.

Recycling bins for bottles will be a starting point for our boys in establishing positive sustainability habits. Paper recycling bins will also be a part of the bigger picture of this initiative in future. Educating the students about what the impact of waste and the importance of recycling are core to this program and its success.

As we know, this term our boys are getting behind raising money for our Walkathon. As part of our fundraising, we are starting to collect recyclable bottles and cans which will be deposited at a return point in Fyshwick. The money we raise from this will go directly into the Walkathon with a view to have this as an ongoing initiative. Each term the money raised will contribute to our term focus – this term and the start of next will be for our College community.

We will have a collection point out the front of the College as well as two within the school grounds (One for Junior School  and another High School) Our Captains will be educating our boys about the importance of recycling and what goods can be recycled.

If you have bottles or cans you are welcome to drop them off at a collection point out the front of the College or your son can bring them with him to school and place them in the Junior School or High School deposit points.

You can learn about the return it scheme in ACT here: https://actcds.com.au/

If you have any questions or ideas, please feel free to contact me. Thank you for your support of this important initiative.

Carmela Wilson (Assistant Principal- Faith and Mission Acting)