
Serving at Mass: Opportunities to Lead

We are looking to provide more opportunities for our boys to serve at Mass at St Edmund’s College. Next term, we will commence training altar servers from Years 5 to 10. If you are interested in receiving more information about this, please reach out to me. We already have some boys who have expressed a keen interest in assisting on the altar at school or year group Masses, and this would be a wonderful opportunity for leadership at school.

In addition to this opportunity for service, Fr. Chris Eaton, our College Chaplain, has been speaking with some senior boys who have shown interest in ministering communion during Mass. This role is called an Extraordinary Minister of the Eucharist. It is a very significant role in a Catholic community and is open to all boys who have completed their sacraments.

If you are interested in having your son involved in these opportunities, please email me cwilson@sec.act.edu.au. Training dates will be confirmed following numbers and the training will occur during Lunchtimes and/or Formation.

Carmela Wilson
Assistant Principal – Mission & Identity