
Some information concerning the 2021 school year

Please find below a snapshot of information concerning the first few days of the 2021 school year.

Junior School Classes 2021

Please note that you will receive a letter with your son’s class teacher for 2021 during January. Logins details for our IT systems (Canvas, Parent Portal, etc.) will be included in this letter.

Junior School Orientation – Monday 1 February 2021

Orientation is a chance for new students and parents/carers to meet your son’s teacher for the year. This will commence at 10.00am and conclude at 11.00am. This session is for all new Year 4, 5 and 6 students. Parents/carers and students will meet in the Edmund Rice Centre before the new students spend time with their teacher and parents/carer hear from key staff. We will finish the session with light refreshments at approximately 10.50am. Boys will be required to wear the summer school uniform.

Year 7 and new student  Orientation – Monday 1 February 2021

This day is for all Year 7 students and new students in Years 8-12. This day will commence at 9am and finish at 1pm Boys will be required to wear the summer school uniform and to bring their computer/laptop.

First Day of School – Tuesday 2 February 2021

This day is a normal school day for all students. Formal classes will begin at 8.45am and finish at 3.25pm. Boys will be required to wear the summer school uniform.

All SEC families in 2021 will receive an email next week with more information concerning the new 2021 school year.

Pat Langtry
Assistant Principal – Student Wellbeing