
St Edmund’s College Cricket Information

Welcome to the new cricket season. Training is now underway with teams being finalised this week. Please see some information that you may find useful.

  1. The first game of the season is October 12/13 which is the last weekend of the school holidays. Please contact your coach if you are unavailable
  2. Your coach should be in contact this week to introduce themselves and begin team communications and training days.
  3. Clothing- there are exciting new cricket whites (pants and long sleeve options) from the clothing shop
  4. Coach needed- if your son has been selected in the Stage 2 div 2 team, we are after a coach for Sundays games. We have student coaches for weekdays.
  5. If you have any cricket queries please do not hesitate to get in contact with Mr Roberts our Head of Cricket nroberts@sec.act.edu.au

Neil Roberts
Head of Cricket